Thursday, July 04, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #26

January 7, 2019

Golden Globes

The babysitter's sister was the latest person this foreign born A- list actor cheated on with so the foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who was there for television last night, left him at home. This cheating is serial behavior.

Javier Bardem/Penelope Cruz


  1. What’s red and white and black and blue all over?

    Uncle Sam falling down the steps after an all night bender.

  2. I thought I did this last Saturday night? Maybe not.
    Anyway Penelope hire old women to babysit or obese young uns.

  3. Another one I just don’t get the attraction - acting or looks wise 🤷🏼‍♀️

  4. Mans man. Leave a pussy around him, he's filling it w/ pecker snot. She knows this, and obviously tolerates it, as long as she isnt shamed in public. Arnold's wife still be with him if that housekeeper kid didnt look like a Mexinator.

  5. Omg “pecker snot” 😂😂

  6. I doubt Penelope can be shocked or surprised by his behavior at this point. I just hope the babysitter's sister is of legal age.

  7. Honestly, Count! 😂 Have you ever considered writing a Thesaurus of xrated terms? Surely, youd be considered THE authority, and your creative supply seems limitless. I also think you could make the people at Urban Dictionary blush.

  8. It's funny, not funny, all that's been written this week about all of Arnold's children. The maid tried to hide it, but the little kid looks just like his dad. The he was outed/discovered and treated like a real life Jon Snow. He idolize's his father, and has the fire burning for recognition from him. He'll probably become the most successful, fame wise, out of all his kids.

    1. the other two sons just will not cut it. yup future superstar in the making.

    2. Throw 40lbs of juice muscle on the kid, and he's Arnold in his prime.

  9. When you cheat on your spouse/significant other, you are actually (publicly) demonstrating your disrespect for them.

