Saturday, July 27, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 18, 2019

This B list actress with A+ list name recognition all of you know had some work recently done to her breasts. She got a lift and went slightly bigger. Before and after the surgery she was expecting someone to show up and be there for her, but he was a no show.

Katie Holmes/Jamie Foxx


  1. Did Jamie Fox finally realize he got Tom Cruise seconds/hand me downs?

  2. She is one of those "too nice, too passive" martyr chicks, like a couple women I know Misery follows those kind of women.

  3. David, closest Cruise came to banging that loopy broad was doing her nails.

  4. They seem like such a mismatched couple. I obviously don't know them personally, but I always find it hard to believe that they are in a relationship. Katie Holmes also has this perpetually miserable look on her face since her Tom Cruise divorce. She seemed like a much happier person during her Dawson's Creek days. The marriage/divorce to Tom Cruise seems to have hardened and aged her tremendously.

  5. GenZ what the hell does that even mean? Just fuck off please.

    Although I agree with acad.

  6. I hope she didn't pay for this work, her boobs look like the same saggy flapjacks as always.

  7. GenZ dont you have some Time pods to eat?
    Shoo now

  8. Strange couple, no visible chemistry. He doesn't seem like the loyal type. He isn't hot. She has money. He can't really help her career. What would she see in him?

    What would he see in her? If he's gonna be in a couple, he seems the type who'd look for someone more A list than he is. But he doesn't seem the couple type.

  9. Agreed on this being an odd couple. I admired her stealth tactics divorce, and like each of them well-enough (he was incredible in Ray), but their privacy has just left me baffled as to their chemistry.
    Until this tidbit, reports have had them happy with whatever parameters they've agreed to. I guess Id just like to read an unfiltered journal of Katie's life of the past 15 years. I can't read her.

  10. Tide pods are for dipshit millennials not Gen Z'ers

  11. First off, Foxx is a player and seemingly a very cool man. What Holmes did by literally escaping Cruise and Scientology took a lot of courage. It makes total sense that she would start hanging out with Foxx for security, protection and a positive (and gleeful) situation. As a Scio watcher for over 20 years, I can tell you Katie witnessed the inner workings of the
    "church" while being aggressively indoctrinated. It would of been terrifying. So much so, is that she silenced herself in hopes the Rondroids would just forget about her as a Suppressive Person (SP). Foxx provides the complete opposite of the intensity of the cult she escaped. Friends or more is irrelevant. Katie feeling safe and free is the goal. With that being said, I hope she enjoys her new boobs. I'm sure Jamie will in due time.

  12. Sook I assumed "security and protection" too but he does not seem powerful or loyal to me.

  13. Great insight, Sook!
    Samantha the 1st- he probably has selective definitions/abilities with both, Imo. I guess it has worked for her up until now.

  14. God why do these white women subject themselves to to these fugly grotesque black men and allow themselves to be treated like dirt by them? Jaime Foxx is a plug ugly rat-eyed, pock-faced freak. Usually people that look like that utilize kindness to get women, but I guess when you have money, you can be a fugly jerk. Holmes ought to find her dignity and self-respect and stop choosing assholes.

  15. Jack- Does "BBC" mean anything to you? Women are biologically programmed to short circuit in the presence of tremendously large black glans penis (a redundancy) I'll wager she has no idea what his face looks like since his package was the first and only thing she's seen of him.

    1. Substance is correct. BBC is the only thing that make a white broad as crazy as cocaine will.

  16. Haven’t seen astra in a while. Did she get a new racist incarnation? Jackass rabbit? GenZ? She’s probably both.

  17. Jamie Foxx is hot, hot, hot. Let Katie have her fun.

  18. Notagoodscreenname- Aww, you must miss me. Sorry I can’t say the same. I posted yesterday, actually. And I only post as myself. Glad to know I live rent free in your head 😂. Have a great evening! 👋🏻

  19. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Why would Katie Holmes bother with an overhaul? If Foxx doesn't care then who else would? It's not like she needs to do it for her movie career. Those days have gone. She's a very odd duck.

  20. If it’s true that Katie couldn’t be seen in public with another man until 5 years after the divorce, now would be the time for Jamie to step up to the plate and be a ‘real’ boyfriend if that’s what he, in fact, is. But Katie is generally only seen with Suri or on coffee runs.

    Maybe it’s a fake relationship to piss off Tom. He’s apparently angry about it because he takes credit for Jamie’s career. I admired her divorce tactics, but if she’s pretending to be in a relationship with Jamie to annoy Tom, that’s genius.

    BTW, who the f*** in their right mind would marry Tom Cruise?

  21. MissDavie I think some women after being pregnant/giving birth feel sad about the inevitable deflation due to the boobs being inflated for the baby. It might be slight or it might be severe. So they want to stop trying to deal with that and get back to their old bod. It's more for themselves I think.

  22. "Women are biologically programmed to short circuit in the presence of tremendously large"

    Er, no.

    Porn isn't real.

    1. In this thread we learned that getting railed by mandingos had no effect on Samantha.

  23. She can do so much better than him, and I'm not saying that bc he's black. He's a gross jerk.

  24. CJ, you're being entirely presumptuous.

    But he did say "in the presence of."
