Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 2, 2019

This streaming service is going over the top with their sexualization of teens, based upon the title for an upcoming series. That is what is going to happen more frequently though. Low budget, high clickbait stuff. Gone are the days where they would spend $100M just to get some "buzz." They need viewers and to give them cheap content. The original stuff that people actually watch is apparently anything to do with sex and teens.

Netflix/Slutty Teenage Bounty Hunters


  1. Yuck.
    I need to watch a couple more Netflix shows before I ban them tho

  2. Yea Jenji Kohan produces absolute crap like OITNB, Weeds and Glow.

  3. Any show that sexualizes teens (idc if the actors are 18) still in high school are sick fucks. Sex Education, this is trying to normalize pedophilia and it is SICK.

    You just know there are some sick pedos getting off at home imagining doing those acts they see on these shows to underage teenagers they see around their lives. Again, by normalizing that behavior.

    College plus being graphic is one thing, but, you can have real HS experience shows without softcore porn in it.

    Netflix will be cancelled in the near future by me for sure. And, with 10 other streaming devices coming out in the next year...won't miss it. Hopefully, I'll learn not to miss any streaming at all.

  4. Weeds was Showtime. And Netflix is going to lose out to the big services (cable with more steps) more and more as the months go by.

  5. Also, @ teehee, Pedophilia is sexualizing pre-pubescent children. There is a term for being infatuated with post-pubescent but still not mentally/emotionally developed. Can't remember what it is and I'd rather not search it up...

  6. "A Count Jerkula Production."

    1. The auditions were like BackRoomCastingCouch, even down to the 2 camera shots of anal.

  7. Whether you call it paedophilia or hebephilia is irrelevant. It's just semantics.

    Below 18 is a child.

    1. You must be an AOC fan, adhering to the Factually Wrong, Morally Right mantra. 2 dummies.

  8. Thanks. Yah I am not looking that up either haha but to encourage the sexualization of anything under 18 to me is gross. There are teen shows with love scenes and then there is straight up softcore porn which is what these shows are .

    I do think there is/ was a foreign film on Netflix where 5 year old use a pillow to masturbate....... I read about it awhile back and while I did not watch the movie it was on Netflix movie options. Fucking sick.

    And....yes. Where is the Count?? These threads today are right up his alley of snark. haha

    1. I was working all day.

      At one point i saw 2 jiggly 15-16 y/o girls walking to the beach wearing thin flimsy baggy shorts and tops over their 2pc bikinis. With every impact of flip flop on sidewalk, titties and buttcheeks would be bouncin every which way. With 3 sets of each, there was a loy of action going on in the eyeful i eas getting. It was at that moment i thought, it aint worth the jail time, but i understand.

  9. GLOW is fantastic (the Netflix drama, not the original wrestling promotion it's based on).

  10. Glow and OITNB are both fantastic. Netflix has a lot of great shows to offer. I'm in the middle of a binge watch of a bunch of BBC crime dramas. All are great so far.

  11. They aren't even trying to hide their pedophilia fantasies anymore.

    Truly a Clown World.

  12. No, it's a world filled with idiots who post here. The title is tongue-in-cheek, and everything known about it suggests it's a comedy with parodic elements.
    Claiming it's "pedophilia fantasy" is like picketing a concert by The Barenaked Ladies for pornography.

    1. If there arent perky teen boobs, i'm not watching.

  13. Someone is clutching the pearls awfully hard. Meanwhile didn't Netflix just greenlight a $200m+ movie with Dwayne Johnson, Ryan Reynolds and Gal Gadot?

  14. UGH!! such a jerk.....

    haha and AOC looks like a donkey....are you into bestiality porn?

  15. As long as the animal is a willing participant, i see no issue with it. I once saw a fat broad w/ a German Shepherd, and you could tell by the pooch's whimpers that consent was never established.

    As for AOC, i would bang her. I always swipe right on crazy eyes. Google voice # & never bring them to yer home, easy to ghost when thr crazy goes too far.

  16. @Viking It's not semantics. Five is WAY ickier than 15.
