Thursday, July 04, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 7, 2019

Back in the day during that golden age of gossip a little over a decade ago, there are lots of stories that have yet to be told. One of the reasons is that something salacious was happening almost every night and it takes time to go through all of them. Another factor is that just because you hear it from a shady wannabe music producer more than once doesn't necessarily make it true. The particular "producer" is known for lots of tales, some of which are epic and some of which are obviously hallucinations. I was never sure about one of the stories even though I heard it numerous times. One of the participants was unlikely to remember and another probably wasn't going to talk about it. So, how could one ever prove it was real. Well, enter a foreign born actress who once hooked up with the "producer" more than once. She has had the same email address for as long as I have known her which is well over a decade.

When she was going through some documents for her CPA at tax time, it involved her going through her email to see if she could figure out where she had been on a couple of dates. She kind of got lost and started going back into time. Eventually she got to about December 2006. She thought I would be interested in the series of emails she had with the "producer" about that time. The producer had horrific spelling but had attached photos that were super grainy and super 2006, but were definitely this permanent A list "singer" half undressed on a hotel room bed with an actress who at the time was A- list on a very hit network show who the "producer" had been hooking up with.

Now, the producer's email said things like you should have been here and bragging about having sex with both of them. The thing is though in 2006, that A- list actress would have been underage in several states, including California. There is no question he did hook up with every woman in this blind, but the question remains whether his claimed threesome happened too. My guess would be yes, although the actress dumped him a week later. The "singer" was on and off with him depending on her need for drugs and his ability to supply them.

Scott Storch/Britney Spears/Hayden Panettiere


  1. A Storch blind! Love it; thanks Enty!!!

  2. I'll take Larry Storch.

  3. I had to look up who he was. Not only is his character gross, he is physically gross as well.

    1. He looks like Elon Musk's younger pedo brother.

  4. Wow, haven't heard that loser's name in a long time.

  5. He's also lil Kim's ex. I'm sure he has stories.

  6. Who is the foreign born actress who received the emails?

  7. Nail the cheerleader, save the world.

  8. Quickly searched on google images - chances of him having tapped Paris and Kimmy are high too. Lovely.

  9. no wonder they both have major issues.

  10. @c dan run Hilarious!

  11. I always love the story of Lil Kim's Bentley being repossessed that Scott Storch "bought" for her.

  12. Why does enty put singer in quotes when discussing Britney? Does she not really sing her songs?

    1. brit lip syncs like everyone else except Celine

  13. C dan run-- LOL 😂

    Poor Britney...that and Lutfi in her life, no wonder she needed a reboot

  14. I have seen Britney live and she did sing one song live. When she sat down on a stool and was not dancing. She can actually sing. But, the singing and dancing she cannot do.

    But, this is sad. No wonder they are both so messed up.

  15. Amazing 3sum score. I commend him on such a stupendous achievement. H-pants & still prime Brit Brit, mmmmmm.

  16. Good God, dude is super ugly.

  17. hideous but rich and powerful, a time honored classic

  18. It's 12 ways to icky, but *this* is a good reveal.

  19. My poor hayden.she at least has talent.

  20. The thing is, Hayden's a super whore so this is one of the few blinds that is totally believable.

  21. I just cant get the thought of of my head of a coked out of her mind, legal in my state, H-pants bouncing off the walls & my weiner, in between cat baths w/ a still in her prime Brit Brit. I dont know if my testicles could produce enough ejaculate during an evening with them to do the scene justice. Would probably keep ordering in blow until someone ODd or got too sore to continue.

  22. So...she had kept the emails from 2006 and then forgotten about them and then someone made a story about them...
    This blog is for people with IQ below zero!
    Why dont you turn this blog into C-S-S-A?
