Sunday, July 21, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

June 2, 2019

The recently retired tight end is cheating on his girlfriend again but she is not going to split with him over it. Again.

Rob Gronkowski


  1. Forty percent chance he comes back next year.

  2. Anonymous11:22 AM


  3. Sounds like their business.

  4. if she had a brain she would bounce

  5. Only thing dumber than Gronk are the hos who fuck the imbecile.

  6. Anonymous7:27 PM

    This sounds like their arrangement. She knew he was a guy who was not going to not "cheat".

  7. She gets to be in the limelight/her name exposed. Famous boyfriend. Gifts from BF, lives in a cush house/apt/whatever, I'm sure access to sickening whips, all the designer what's its that she wants...yeah, why leave? All of these hoes know that NO sports player is ever faithful. I mean come on, they have chicks (and men) throwing themselves at them 24/7. Just the way it goes. I guess as long as she's head bitch that's all that matters to her.

    For what its worth, I think she's cute and has a seemingly nice personality. Whatever floats her boat!

  8. She knows where her bread is buttered. She latched hold of a rich guy, he could fuck broads on top of her while strangling puppies and she wont leave him.
