Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Your Turn

Age when you lost your virginity. Do you think it was too old, too young, or just the right age?


  1. in your podcast, Enty, you talk about Leni Riefenstahl as though it were a man. She was a woman, and a very attractive one at that. She was and still is considered a genius for her cinematic effects used as propaganda. Although she claimed later that she wasn't into all that Nazi stuff, that's what people all said after the war. She died recently, at over 100 years of age.

    1. as though it were a man


  2. I was 22. It was just right for me. I was doing my internship and I was away from my family for the first time.

  3. 16. and I do not regret.

  4. We were 16 and in a way I do regret it. I feel, now at 40+, that I've always equated relationships with sex. I wonder if that's more my lack of upbringing or guidance or if it's because every relationship feels like a rush to that end. Physically we were both ready but I don't think emotionally or mentally we were. She was my longest relationship before my ex-wife, which will be my last relationship as far as I see.

  5. Ayyyee some the guys here not answering this one

  6. *present company not included, sandy*

  7. 18. Just about right I'd say. Age of Consent is 16 here in the UK so there was some waiting involved.

  8. lol Rosie.

    Do you spend all day thinking about the roster of people who post here, whom you don't know in real life?

    No wonder everyone says your poor kid doesn't stand a chance.

  9. Rosie, if it makes your miserable little slob life a bit brighter to imagine I'm a virgin, go for it. See, you annoy me, but bottom line is I don't give two fucks in a cat's ass about you. Apart from enjoying the fact that you think about me during the hours you're not here, and look for me when I'm away.

    How empty... the void howls. To have nothing and be nothing but a mouthy slob.


  10. I was too old, but I'm not gonna say how old!

    Age of consent in my home country is 14, and when I was young, if you hadn't lost your virginity by 16/17, you were considered a loser.

  11. Not gonna answer huh?
    What about the podcast Enty doing,
    "Men at the End of Your Life: What's it Like to Never Sexually Satisfy a Woman"

    Please do show up and answer that.
    Personally, and fabulously, I wouldn't know that answer

  12. I won't give a specific age as I was older than most, but if any younger virgins on here reading this it is absolutely worth waiting for someone you love or at least trust. A lot of my friends when I was in HS did it just to get it over with and it kind of made their college years worse because they were often tooted and booted/ used just as they were there first time.

    That's my PSA for today. ; P

  13. lol @ rosie overnight, wondering whether I'll be posting the next day. And not only me... she's fixated on everyone. Has some sort of spreadsheet or table keeping track of who she thinks is neato and who she thinks isn't.

    I can't believe someone comments so much about other anonymous internet people.

    I usually feel bad for shut-ins with no hope, no prospects, but the piggish aggressive proudly-ignorant qualities rosie revels in make her an exception.

    Going nowhere, living for this. ha ha

  14. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Why would you want to know that Entertainment man, and why would anyone want to volunteer that information? Ah but every one wants their 10 minutes of fame....

  15. 15 and they guy didnt even know who I was 10 years later.

  16. 21 and it was the perfect age. Unfortunately he was a good lover, so when I got a bad one after him, I was quite bummed out.

  17. 16, and too youn! Plus guys love to brag about that stuff in high school. Wait til 18 or 19 or u are in a committed relationship. Wish I would have waited a few more years!

  18. Is Enty best friends with John Stamos? Stamos is obsessed with this topic.

  19. six - it seemed a bit young.

    1. Makes sense, so make some money from it now. Buy back your childhood

  20. Too young as in it would be considered a crime. Didn't even realize what had happened until I found out what certain words meant when I was about 9 or 10. Clearly wasn't by choice. Fully understand and sympathize with other victims.

  21. Stop trying to groom me enty.

  22. 17 it was in Hong Kong and I will just leave it at that.

  23. I don't even remember..not in high school. I was giant nerd. I use to get beat up by scumbags.

  24. 23 I waited until marriage it was the right time for me

  25. 19 and I probably should have waited a bit longer as I was an extremely naรฏve 19 year old.

  26. 17 almost 18 to a guy I was dating forever. I was glad I waited. He still sends me BJ memes from now and then as I was the best. :P This is 20 years later now. HAHA

  27. @williedynamite I'm so sorry that happened to you. Lots of hugs & good vibes sent your way.

  28. Too young but it was with a boyfriend of two years who was honestly a very lovely and sweet first boyfriend to have. I'm a serial monogamist though so I didn't exactly rake up the numbers as I got older.

  29. Anonymous1:13 PM

    17 but I was also a freshman in college. It was the right time and right circumstances for me. I chose very wisely and have no regrets.

  30. This question is too personal & disrespectful.
    side note: not everybody's story is gonna be pleasant and these types of questions triggers the wounded!!! Idiot.
    stop asking stupid questions, Enty.

  31. Unknown, it's all voluntary. No one is forced to answer. Grow the fuck up.

  32. 20. I wish I had waited.

  33. I was 16, a few months shy of 17. My boyfriend was 19. I wish I had waited. I was with the guy I lost it to for 5 continuous, stressful years and he was the kind who constantly threatened suicide if I mentioned splitting up. I felt guilted and trapped into staying, and was resentful toward him, and mad at myself for not having grown a backbone sooner than I did (I left him at age 21).

    If I never would have put out that one summer ex would have eventually lost interest and bounced onto some other b*tch. I could have been spared from wasted years of my late teens/early adulthood. *le sigh*

  34. Jesus unknown, i was personally more offended with the "Is the hotdog a sandwich?" Your Turn.
    If people are going to be triggered, they won't answer.
    Along the same thread, Hunter:
    All due respect...that wasn't sex. And best to you

  35. 17. I had just graduated HS. I’m one of the ones who ‘just wanted to get it over with.’ Half of my friend’s had, and half hadn’t and I just didn’t want to think about it anymore, so I just did it. It sucked (he was a virgin as well). Definitely the worse sex I ever had. We broke up soon after. No regrets. I think it was the right time for me, especially since I moved to NY soon after. Would rather lose my virginity to a nice guy from my hometown than to some random guy in NY.

  36. 19 years, 11 months and 2 weeks. 2 weeks before my birthday. And it was just right.

  37. Just a couple of weeks before I turned 22.

  38. 14 and she was 26.


    My only regret was that my somewhat-Christian upbringing filled me with enough guilt to not visit her regularly. If I could go back in time....

    1. 14 and she was 17, in a magnolia bush in town centre park on a Saturday afternoon. I had known her half hour and she kept saying hurry up my bus is coming, that wasn’t a euphemism she had to get home. Told me later her mum wanted to know why she had leaves and detritus in her tights. I dumped her the next week and then nothing for a year. I was ‘molested’ by my babysitter when I was 11 but I don’t count that, she was a bit weird and I saw her last year for the first time in like 35 years.

  39. Still a Virgin at 30, not my choice I just don’t know how to connect with people due to my Aspergers, don’t have a lot of friends and I’m really shy. That’s also why I don’t have a job. ๐Ÿ˜”

  40. Lost mine at the state fair ..My virginity was supposed to meet me back at the car after closing but never showed ..might have been the victim of a serial killer ๐Ÿ˜ช

  41. I guess you've been watching Euphoria.

  42. 20. It was absolutely the right age and with the right person too. I was pretty lucky in that regard.

  43. 16 and I should have waited.

  44. 14. Way too young and still not sure how the fuck it happened.

  45. Hey Fann8&amp- thanks for sharing! I can only imagine what this must be like for you. I relate somewhat in that I was a military brat. I was always the new kid in school, and by the time I could make close friends, it was time to move again. It’s hard sometimes to get close to people for various reasons, but I encourage you to keep trying. Just know you have friends here.๐Ÿ™‚

  46. 18 and it happened a month ago at the locker-room showers, right now I don't regret it but I probably will 6 months from now. It was with a complete stranger and there was zero chemistry just physical attraction.

  47. I was 17 and with the first boy I ever loved. I don't regret it but it hurt absolutely terribly. I had sex with him 3 times and every time hurt really bad, and I thought it was just because I was a virgin, but then 5 or 6 months later when I got a new boyfriend and we did it, didn't hurt one bit. So I think my first boyfriend was doing something wrong lmao

  48. 18 to someone I didn't know, in a skeevy club with a spiked drink. Regret not being 'present' for the occassion.

  49. 25. It dont count until its bareback

  50. 1'st week of College thanks to this wonder drug called Ecstasy. Who knew women were basically normal human beings and treating them with humour and respect got you laid? I certainly didn't until I went to my first rave and took drugs. Learning how to get good @ sex by listening to what the lady says she needs is the next step.

    1. How much E did you have to give her to get her to drop panties?

  51. Count - She and her friends supplied ME. A good time was had by all.

  52. You have my sympathies. People think only men can rape, but this is a clear example of a woman drugging and raping a man, stealing his innocence in the process. I hope you can heal, my brutha.

  53. Still a Virgin at 33, not my choice I just don’t know how to connect with people due to my depression, don’t have a lot of friends and I’m really shy. That’s also why I don’t have a job. ๐Ÿ˜”

  54. I was 17 and it was the absolute perfect time. I tend to have this very conversation with other women once we've known each other a while. Almost universally, 16 or 17 is the threshold. Those who had sex younger ALWYAS say they regret it now, but 16+ almost never do.
