Monday, August 12, 2019

Blind Item #12

This foreign born A list country singer relapsed earlier this year and managed to keep a rehab stay quiet.


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  2. Replies
    1. @MyDog +1...i might need rehab too if i was married to the stiff faced beauty queen from the outback.

  3. Urban. He did look a little rough there for a while. He is about to go on/ is on tour again. I wonder if that gives him structure or opens up more temptations? We all know Nicole is working nonstop as well.

  4. Please don't let it be my Keith Urban!!!

  5. Don't let facts get in the way of snide remarks. Keith had that issue long before meeting Nicole. He's talked about it in interviews and I hope that it's not him.

  6. TIL Keith urban is not us born. Surprised me. Although I do know the Irish are super into American country so who knows.

  7. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Urban of course and we will be reading and answering this same Blind about him in 10, 20, 30 years from now. He's just one of those guys who is always going to go back to partying. Good on him for keeping it under control for the vast majority of the time.

  8. damn my first guess was miranda lambert

  9. Keith was born in New Zealand and raised in Australia before heading to Nashville.
