Thursday, August 01, 2019

Blind Item #13

Interesting choice of boyfriends for the actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee. The boyfriend has always been the go to guy for threesomes for lesbian couples in Hollywood when they want to spice things up.


  1. Does Angie have a new guy?

  2. Bryan Randa and Sandra Bullock?

  3. Is this Aubrey, Halle's ex again?

  4. brie larson has a new fella

    rhis article says he used to be with maria bello

  5. Lady Gaga | Horton

  6. GaGa and Dan Horton

  7. So she liked him and kept him or she gonna make a mint pimping him out?

  8. Lady Gaga's guy, Dan whatever?

  9. "go to guy for threesomes for lesbian couples in Hollywood?" That's a thing? I finally know what I want to be when I grow up!

  10. The sad part of my Hollywood experience (from way back when in the early 1980's) is the fact that, at the time, I didn't realize just how many actresses were/are lesbian.

    I did know a lot of the actors were gay, but when I realized I truly had no chance at an actress, I thanked my lucky stars I ended up with a non-Hollywood woman who owns her own business!

  11. Brie is bisexual but I don’t think she’s even been w/a guy that’s ever been straight. Pretty sure she likes girls more than boys. That interior Whole Foods staged pap shots are so pathetic. It’s like subtlety doesn’t even matter, who cares how fake it looks I guess! Lol

  12. Brie.
    Clearly those lesbian couples weren't lesbians though, ey?

  13. Puh-Leeze. Lesbians don't pick up men to spice things up. How silly

    1. Katherine Hepurn used to, and she was queen lez, no? If that Scotty Bowers is to be believed.

  14. Which Brie is this? The assless woke capeshit Brie or the cute little dark haired wrestling GLOW show Brie?

  15. @DavidHowesCREBroker I am sure you are happier that you never had to sell yourself. You can actually look yourself in the mirror and be proud.

    I am sure there are many gay Harveys in the business (Bryan Singer/ Marc Collins Rector) so you pretty much have to have "fluid sexuality" to get ahead. So unfair.

    Any lesbian studio/ agent heads that are known? It is wrong no matter where you fall on the spectrum to pressure someone for sex for a job. :(

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. ditto we know Maria Bello is lesbian, so obviously he is a beard type

  18. Jennifer Lawrence and her Faux Art Dealer guy

  19. @Huckleberry.

    Aw, I really fancy the wee dark haired wrestle show one.

    1. Vic, if you are not familiar with GLOW Brie, do a google image search on her. They frump her up on the show, and she seemed to get in too good of shape for the physicality and nudity. She lost a little off the fun bags and buns. Still top notch though.

  20. @ Vic
    Me too, man. She's delightful and funny, not to mention attractive. She's one of my favorites.

  21. Seems to be cis-het guys who are into the porn fantasy of that type of situation...dunno abou women pining for it.

  22. @Count. Yeah I agree, but like you said, she's still pretty hot in it. Kate Nash (who plays the English girl) also had an impressive embonpoint when she was back here in Blighty and that's all but disappeared too.

    I always get confused when I see the name Brie and automatically think of her. I don't think I've ever seen the buns free blonde in anything.

    1. Only thing i have seen Larson in was Room and it was good, especially the thought of having her locked in a shed, sans kid.

  23. I'll have to reread the Bowers book sometime. I don't remember that part.

    I have heard that of Hepburn before, that she was into women.

    1. On the Starz app/on demand there is a doc on Bowers.

  24. WTF is cis het? Write in English, not mush mouth PC bullshit.

    1. It doesnt matter what they mean, because by the time everyone knows, they will make up other words.

  25. Ugh,Bowers is gross. Didn't you see that documentary he did? He admits proudly on camera to doing things with animals. And proudly proclaimed that he was the only Kinsey subject that did everything they asked about. Look up all the things they asked and you'll see why that is shocking and gross.

    1. Ugh, now we have Beastiphobes posting here. I thought this place was woke and inclusive.

  26. So Brie Larson's boyfriend is an escort. Is she really paying someone to be her boyfriend? She should be having guys all over her.

  27. Oh come on. Clearly Brie Larson and her new boy. Don't people understand how this site works??

  28. Interesting I find her nothing special. I’m turned off by the combo square jaw/ short neck/average features.

  29. How was this let through? 100 percent attack on another guest here, zero percent about the 'blind.' You also obviously know what cis-het means, and it hit a nerve, thus your pronouncement upon it and attack at me.

    It's not hard to figure out whose alt you are, "Mrs."

    "WTF is cis het? Write in English, not mush mouth PC bullshit."

    It ain't your table Mrs.

  30. " I thought this place was woke and inclusive."

    There are many types hanging out here, including those who talk about everyone else opening their minds, but attack anyone who disagrees w/them.

    People who have only one definition of open minded, iow hypocrites calling others hypocrites.

  31. brie larson. she was all over some new guy at whole foods.

  32. Cis-het.

    Cis hetero. This means you identify with your gender, and are into the opposite gender.

    So, if you have a penis and are into women. Congrats: You are in the majority.

    1. Thanks, Bobby. I was far too lazy to go look it up.

  33. Did not read the Scotty Bowers book, but saw the documentary. Don't think the sex with animals part was in it. Think I will just stick with that.....found him likeable and believable...maybe why he was so successful in his chosen field?

  34. Anonymous7:34 AM

    It's gotta be Brie Larson and her beautiful boyfriend. I can see FF couples having fun with him (they are NOT Lesbians) because he's a hot harmless pretty boy who is probably hung and fun in bed. Brie may not care or may not be that interested in sex herself or who knows...people make all kinds of arrangements.
    I think Scotty Bowers was a very good looking young man who probably had some contact with movie stars but it's hard to believe his stories that virtually every single person in Hollywood was into some kind of extreme kink. I don't even believe he did a tenth the things he said he did. There's something about him that creeps me out. To hear these old Bi guys tell it every male movie star was a street hustler next to them back in the day. Most of it is just pure fantasy. Why would the studios have taken risks on former hustlers when they have a pool of hundreds of handsome young actors under contract?

  35. It's Brie Larson lmao, is she a lesbian?

  36. Only attacks on tricia get modded out.

  37. I'm looking forward to this reveal. Not the usual sex trio!

  38. WTF? I read the Bowers book and don't remember anything about animals. I would have stopped reading immediately.

  39. Lesbians don't bring strange men into the bedroom, "to spice things up". they do just fine on their own. That's some fucked up male fantasy of lesbians-they still "need" a man. Such bullshit.

  40. Nice to see the lezs triggered by a blind about lezs who like women but arent dick h8rz.
