Sunday, August 25, 2019

Blind Item #3

This former naked celebrity turned reality star on multiple shows who managed to have a sex tape in there somewhere is probably A- list still, but that is fading. She wouldn't give the time of day to the guy she is hooking up with now until someone told her his real name and how much money he is worth.


  1. +1 MD she is dating DJ Friese, he must like them trashy. He was with Brandi Glanville for a bit.

  2. Is Steve Wynn available for hooking up?

  3. Brandi she has STD’s curtesy of her ex so she says..

  4. Kendra, dating the DJ. She's a bit of a twit.

  5. When the FUCK has Kendra EVER been A list? Please.

  6. she has no talent and refuses to get a real job. feel sorry for her kids

  7. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Say what you will about Friese, he does seem to date "age appropriate" women, to put it mildly. Everybody always bitches about rich guys dating too young so cut the guy some slack lol. He could be dating Bella Thorne.

  8. MissDavie makes an excellent point.

    Also think how cringe Brandi must feel to know he's gone from her to Kendra. eek.

  9. Kendra Wilkenson is dating some new guy who was connected to another reality star I believe.
