Saturday, August 24, 2019

Blind Item #4

This disgraced former A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee has not seen one of his minor children in years and has no desire to.


  1. Good guess MDAnderson. Mel was married to Oksana Grigorieva and they have a daughter Lucia together. Mel is a pig!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Once Mel moved on to someone younger and got her knocked up. He didn't care about his daughter anymore. I'm sure Oksana is just happy to get the checks and be left alone with her daughter. You don't hear about them anymore and it's for the best.

  4. Mel never married Oksana. His wife, who he dovorced, is named Robin.

  5. Replies
    1. keep CS away from ALL children! that is called protecting your kids

  6. Is Mel disgraced? I know he's an asshole but not the pariah Spacy is.

  7. Yeah he disgraced himself with the drunken anti-semite spiel which basically blackballed his ass.

  8. Sad that Mel got rolled by a Russian whore.

  9. and he lost his good looks. what a pompous ass he is. and wanna be Pope of his fake church. excommunicate him and his crypt keeper father

  10. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Estrangement actually happens quite often. Lots of idealists think "all parents love their kids". Wrong O.

    If the kids get bad programming about the missing parent, all feelings can go bad, on both sides.

    Love is not automatic. And it can be destroyed.

  11. Mel said some things but we've all said those things
    - Gary Oldman

    "if you get raped by a pack of ni99ers it will be your fault ,, I'll put you in the ground you cunt "

    When did Gary Oldman say that? Who was Gary Oldman speaking to at the time?

    1. Probably one of the loony broads on this site.

    2. This deserves gold.

  12. Mel must of been at a love point when he met the Russian whore. Every guy in LA knows to avoid any Slav woman, no matter how hot, as they are all trouble in the long run.

    1. He was probably just drunk. Drunks are the easy targets for opportunistic whores. Easier than drug addicts, cause coke and meth heads get the paranoia.

  13. Hah! So the shortarsed arch-papist racist is a bit of cunt?

    Whodda thunk it?

  14. James this isn't reddit.

    Was that you who posted spam James or did someone copy your nick?

    I can't keep track of who is paid to comment here.

  15. Drunk or not, he's a dickhead. Abusing her - whether she's 'a Russian whore' or not still makes him an abuser. Don't be a dick, Count.

    1. If i say mean things to a leased car or a rented horse, it isnt abuse. Same with a whore. You cant abuse something that doesnt have a soul.

  16. He chose to get her pregnant so this is as much on him as it is on her. S
