Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Blind Item #6

The former A- list mostly television actor who is most famous for he used to be married to is scrambling right now. Already one woman from his past got to tell under oath what an awful human being he is, and now the former wife might also get to share her truth which would spell curtains for the actor.



  2. Doesn't feel like a blind.

  3. I still see Ryan/ Reese fighting to be deposed. She does not want that negative publicity especially since their kids still seem close with Ryan as well.

  4. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Was he verbally abusive? I can’t see him beating her. Although he did smack her ass pretty hard at the golden globes “walk the line”. I know the marriage was over as soon as he did that but her reaction was magnificent.

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Can you link the video? Can’t find it for the life of me

  5. Well known here but not mainstream

  6. @Duh, please explain what happened at the Golden Globes.

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM

      She won for best actress. They called her name. She got up to go get recognized and he smacked her in the ass with all his might. She was visibly taken aback then put her game face on

  7. Hewitt is thirsty, 1 mil? Dehydrated AF.

  8. Rosemary, I have been trying to find it forever. I did see it though and I swear she has gotten it scrubbed from the internets. He literally push-shoved her from her back while she got up to go to the stage. He was wasted. It was shocking to see.

  9. There was a now defunct magazine from back in the day that reported that Phillipe was in the car, and RW came out to find him doing weird stuff to himself sexually in the car. After the awards. Stuff she had never seen before. That was the end.

    He seems like complete sleeze.

  10. Reese and Nicole spent a lot of time and money making sure that their "rich ladies get abused too" show made it to air...
