Saturday, August 24, 2019

Blind Item #6

Our favorite foreign born B+ list actress/singer has several of her exes buying up tickets on her tour to make it look as if more people are attending.


  1. Replies
    1. Thats a LOT of yachters! Heck, the tour could sell out at that rate

    2. To be fair ... she does do other things ,like sing in arena’s (where she pays her exes to but tix lol)

    3. Rita whora is like cockroaches after a nuclear winter, its impossible to get rid of her...she will survive!

  2. its insane to me rita ora is still in the news or even relevant enough to have blinds.

    she's had ONE hit here in the states. ONE. and it was in 2008.

    imagine how much dick she's sucked to still be a thing in 2019. probably thousands.

  3. She must be great in the sack to even go on tour. Tour?????? Is the Albanian mob also involved in this because I don’t see how she can go on tour.

  4. She could fill a 5,000 seat Arena with her exes alone.

  5. Her flaps must be looser than a Clinton alibi these days.

  6. Rita Ora has 4 shows left from a 45 date tour that started on March 1. If it were selling that poorly, wouldn't they have cut it short a long time ago? Plus, she's played at some pretty big arenas in Europe. Those exes would have to be buying a hell of a lot of tickets if this were true.

  7. So are the exes all attending too? Because there aren't very many empty seats apparently. Not buying this.
