Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Blind Item #6

Our favorite foreign born A-/B+ list singer/sometime actress did an orgy while yachting.


  1. .... and? Really.... and? You say this like it's a bad thing?

  2. I fully expect someone filmed some of it and we will soon see that on the internet.

  3. In other news, the sun came up in the east!

  4. i don't understand why she is singled out as a whore when they all do it.

  5. Rita O for the whorer, she can’t sing and that video she slept with someone to get it made was a waste of her ass time..
    It was boring and didn’t make sense, the dancing and music didn’t match.. She needs to sing for foreign $$$$$ only...

  6. Maybe this is how she keeps that bangin body.
    I need to rethink my elliptical.

  7. Quelle surprise the DM been bombarding us with her yachting catalogue pic this week. Last week she was tag teaming with her mother. Skank.

  8. "did" an orgy?? Odd phrasing.

    I do an orgy
    You do an orgy
    He/she/it does an orgy
    We do an orgy
    You do an orgy
    They do an orgy

  9. Maybe she choreographed it beforehand and then "did" it her way.

  10. Rosie, go for it! There are much more enjoyable ways to exercise than using a piece of equipment.

    Squirrelmistress, (nice name btw) I'm kind of with you on that. I think the distinction is that most of us think she is clearly untalented as a singer and actress and totally owes her career to her ... other skills, where as others have some performing talent and do it to get ahead against the competition.

  11. @here for the gossip LOL

  12. From Rita Whora to Rita Orgy

  13. Anonymous6:55 PM

    'did an orgy'

    spoken like a true person who has never been in an orgy

  14. First time I can remember enty listing her as A-/b+. Usually no higher than B+
