Friday, August 02, 2019

Blind Item #8

The A list reality family won't say anything publicly, but a recent lawsuit actually has them worried. If it stands as is and proceeds, there will be a very large check they will have to write. It could easily approach eight figures in a settlement and more if it goes to trial and they lose.


  1. Kardashians and the Kimoji lawsuit

  2. KTrash defamed someone, I'm stunned!

  3. Is this over Kimono ?

    I wish this was the Duggars.........too much swept under the rug in that region.

  4. Anonymous9:14 AM

    The K Gang has been stealing and using people since before the days they were even famous. They are "Gypsies" as my dad would have said, meaning grifters.
    It's about time someone took them to court for it.

    As for the Duggars mentioned, I'm shocked that anyone still provides them with a platform. Why are they still even a minor thing?

  5. Enty my love, please don't toy w/ my emotions....

  6. Too bad, but they can afford it.
    Kylie alone is a Billionaire now. Ugh

    1. No she isn't. Don't let them lie to you that girl is not a billionaire it's all smoke and mirrors

  7. Ktrashain and anyine

  8. What goes up, must come down. Even in Calabasas.

  9. A large check isn't going to hurt KTrash Klan. An earthquake where the earth opens up and swallows the whole family will have to happen.

  10. She is not a billionaire.

    Forbes will print anything from anyone as of a few years ago, with no sources verified.

    They only recently changed this.

    Kylie is not a billionaire.

  11. @Roxanne Don't believe everything you hear. The KJs have been known to inflate a number or two.

  12. They really tried to trademark the name "kimono." That's so insulting and -- so arrogant it's stupid.

    Don't ever play their games, btw, if your tablet or phone crashes and you can't get the game save back, they won't help you. Unlike most very expensive games, Glu does NOT host the game saves on their servers (which is normally pretty standard with all but the el cheapo games.)

    I think people won't buy their products forever. Hope they invest.

  13. Blac chynas lawsuit w them
