Thursday, August 29, 2019

Blind Item #9

The foreign born former A+ list tweener is back using again. He was doing quietly, but a family member gave him up in some cryptic social media messages. 


  1. Bieber never stopped using lol

  2. Biebs but hes back using almost every week on this site

  3. Sometimes it you are on meds after going off drugs you are addicted to,you seem more stoned than before.

  4. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Bieber has been a crackhead for a while now and still A list so it’s not him.

  5. it also says tweener not former tweener

  6. it does say former. sorry

  7. Maybe Aaron Carter? He's taking about getting weapons and such today.

  8. Probably the religious messages o his Mom's Twitter that would seem to be appropriate for his addiction.

  9. Foreign born, so not AC. I'm going with Biebs bc he's a fucking meth head surrounded by shitty shitty people personally and professionally.

  10. No offense, but you'd need an egg timer to accurately measure the amount of clean time most of these celebs have before they relapse.

  11. It does sound like Biebs and his mom, Pattie Mallette. Her twatter has been extra extra with the JC Bible lately.

  12. Some vicious lies made to appear as facts, on this site.
    When someone has BEEN there, admitting they were AND USED with the person AND not hide behind internet nicknames, THEN I will believe it.
    The hate is real!!

  13. Arron Carter. He still looks like a zombie.
    Get some help dude.

  14. Gotta be Bieber, he never gave it up just kept it hidden but holy meth face lately...very tragic. He must be digging into his face all day long

  15. Seriously... how many MILES of old Jewish pedophile cock do you think Beiber has taken to get where he is today?

  16. Woah. Check out these Bieber pics.

    First we have total pick-face meth breakout:

    Then we have sunken-chest Justin Jogging pic which just... shows how unhealthy he is and how badly he needs to eat some sammiches:

    He wears the hat to cover his forehead and Hailey posts in B&W because it's a lot easier to edit J's skin that way, that's my bet. And since when did he stop doing drugs??

    1. Heroin also causes pick face. Usually if you're one who likes to get up, you need an antagonist to bring you down. Nobody likes seeing imaginary crabs fight. Well I guess some do.

  17. Yup like i said, major case of meth face, I saw even worse in this week's Star magazine

    he didn't stop, he just kept his use hidden, I think it said

  18. yeah Bieber looks so gaunt. hope he gets help.

  19. Carter is American. This is probably meant to be Beiber but he never stopped using Meth. Malik is on the h.
