Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 13, 2019

Somehow the guy who was paying for the "time" of this former reality star offspring who earned a lot of money herself wasn't arrested when she was. After her money win, the police have had it out for her ever since.

Alexa Curtin/Lynn Curtin/RHOC


  1. The Johns often go unidentified here too. 😟

  2. is this the drunk daughter or the drunk daughter?

  3. Sad everybody is high on something..
    Just try the natural high you get from just living life

  4. Her behaviour is questionable but none the less she is a RAPE victim, raped by a colleague of the people arresting. I feel bad for her, she has no chance.

  5. it was really sad/pathetic watching Lynn laugh at her daughters emotional needs on The Real Housewives and refuse to parent them because she wanted to be the "fun, cool mom!" She'd refuse any advice and talk very negatively about her daughters. I would never go on tv and mock my kid, especially a teenager. Teenagers remember EVERY hurful thing you say and do forever, they're like elephants. Forgetaboutit.

  6. Cuffs by lynn lol. And her glue gun. Train wreck
