Sunday, August 04, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 28, 2019

This alliterate matriarch/former actress has been cutting family members off financially so there are a lot of stories in tabloids trying to make her look bad from those spurned family members.

Priscilla Presley


  1. I mistook Lisa Marie for Melissa mcarthy in the DM the other day

  2. Including the blind here the other day saying that Elvis and Priscilla had sex when she was 14?

  3. Elvis the OG Pedo!!

  4. I'm surprised she hadn't done that before now.

    It's very, very hard to maintain your "Relatives" life styles, while trying to maintain your own.

    Besides, isn't COS demanding a large monthly payment from her, too!?

  5. Didn't know she was an actress.

  6. Priscilla was on Dallas for years and was in all the Naked Gun movies.

  7. She sold her stake in Graceland. Money goes fast when nothing is coming in.

  8. Elvis was from Mississippi where 14 was legal age for marriage. Maybe younger since Granny was already 14 when she had Momma. They had that Common Law thing too. When she and Big Daddy got divorced he tried to claim she'd been a house guest for 33 years.

  9. Too bad she sold her stake in Graceland; real estate rarely goes out of style.
    And, yeah, I have leach relatives who expected the gravy train to keep on running after they blew their wad of $$.

  10. In her own book Pris claimed that she was a virgin until her wedding night aged 21.

    I hate that Elvis' legacy is being tarnished without even any accusations out there.
