Saturday, August 10, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 12, 2019

Child protective services can't find this former Teen Mom not named Jenelle to find out if a child is going to school or not. There is not a stable address for the former Teen Mom. There is also the question of whether the child has been exposed to the sex work the former Teen Mom does.

Farrah Abraham


  1. its about time. arrest the Ho

  2. If they can't find her, they can't get the girl away from her.

  3. One of those pillars of society...

  4. They can find her by paying her fee.

  5. She dresses that little girl too mature for her age

  6. I'm sure Farrah will say she's "homeschooling" the kid because they're both so famous. *yawn*

  7. You would be surprised how often this happens. I work at a school and one of our secretaries spends a lot of time the first month of school trying to locate children that have disappeared over the summer. Granted CPS isn't usually looking for them!

  8. I can find her by reading the Daily Mail. Can I get a reward?

  9. Hope they find them both safe...

    Some moms who are hos and addicts will sell the kid too.

  10. Just check the model homes of housing developments. She takes the girls with her on "vacations", so yeah she's been exposed.

  11. There isn't actually anything illegal about not having a "stable address" especially when you can show that you're in the entertainment industry and work in many places. Love her or hate her, she can show that. If they want to question the kid, just book Farrah for a mom and daughter photo shoot, voila, child will appear.

  12. wouldn't be surprised if she's pimping out her child like the rest of hollyweird
