Saturday, August 03, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

July 26, 2019

The foreign born former A+ list tweener singer was told by his manager that the singer just needed to release an album but didn't need to go on tour to support it. It was the only reason the singer agreed to record. The singer is going to be really ticked off to know that 100 dates are being readied for a tour. This is going to be an epic war.

Justin Bieber


  1. If he was my boyfriend I'd never let him go.

  2. Unless he signed a contract to tour... (shrug)

  3. Think of the bright side. If he’s so busy touring, he’ll never get around to having his second wedding & maybe there’s still a chance for an annulment.

    1. Well...Scooter knows what's best.

  4. He can refuse to tour. No one can make him if he doesn't want to do it.

  5. Is "tour" code for re-hab now?

  6. I've become a Beiber defender over the last two years because I believe that kid was rode hard and put away wet.

    The entire planet has been exalting him since he was 12. Everything he has touched exploded into money.

    He no longer knows the satisfaction of working for a hard-won goal. He is horribly depressed and no longer knows where his place is in the world.

    He could totally die next week and I'd feel Britney bad.

  7. Well-said, Hunter

    There is nothing that this guy has done publicly in over a year that indicates he is capable of a 100 date tour. I imagine it is even more more glaringly obvious behind the scenes. Therefore, this is multiple bad calls and deception on the part of Scooter. Unless he collected their souls when they signed with him, I would think some of his acts are going to start jumping ship.

  8. Anonymous3:17 PM

    He's not physically or mentally able to do a 100 date tour.

  9. Vita,Hunter,Davie: Isn't this all eariley reminiscent of ... Michael Jackson? We're repeating the same verbiage.

  10. Can he just go away forever, please?

  11. Anonymous7:01 PM

    looks like a stalkerfan showed up to the comments, nice.

    hunter completely agree. he just doesn't know any different.

    1. Yes, well-said Hunter. He used to be a source of derision to me over the years; but now I actually feel bad about that. I don't enjoy seeing someone falling without being able to help them. There's nothing funny about this situation.

  12. Hope-- Yikes! Scary point!


  14. I agree with everyone’s comments. What troubles me most is that Scooter is the manager of all of these abused children/turned adults. Yet nobody, other than us, is calling him out on his shit? I realize that his behavior is par for the course; nonetheless, it’s breaking my heart.

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  16. He will just lipsynch anyway, no biggie.

  17. This blind item makes very little sense given the situation in the music industry. Even Bieber would know that.

    There's very little money in recordings now, especially with streaming taking over. A few years ago, artists would go on tour, that lost money, to promote their latest album on key markets. Today, it's the opposite, albums get released to promote tours, which turn a profit for the artist and their management.
    A few years ago, Justin Timberlake had to record "The 20/20 Experience" (his first album in seven years) in something like three weeks, because he had a tour with Jay Z in the summer, and he was contractually supposed to release new music in support of the tour.
    So, no musician would spend weeks in a studio assuming that's the end of it. Now, it's always the first step in a grand scale tour.

  18. I absolutely feel for Bieber and who knows what this kid has gone through but lest us not forget the resources etc available to him. He's a mega mega millionaire. You have abused kids turned drug addicts etc with NO outs, no money to get rehab or check out of the world and climb a mountain in Tibet to find themselves. Of course I feel for him but when you see what would be just a phone call away for him.... why wouldn't you see the guy has every potential OUT on the planet? Money can't buy happiness but it can buy freedom, options, etc. It is hard for me to feel (maybe AS) sorry for someone who could pretty much meet the Dali Llama himself for spiritual advice than it is some throw away human being sleeping in a crack den with parents who never gave two sh*ts about him or her.

  19. Kiki - you're comparing Bieber to a homeless kid but there is no reason to make that comparison, it's quite a moot point.

    If anything, he's even MORE lost because he's swimming in resources and as a result had no glaring case of hitting bottom.

    I'm glad you guys are picking up what I'm putting down. I used to enjoy ridiculing Bieber myself but I'm afraid he's jumped the shark now.

    This is not like Michael Jackson. That man called most of his own shots and was VERY active in managing his own career.

  20. scooter is so evil

  21. Reminds me of a young Elvis during his 'lost' period right after he lost his mother.

    It's sad that no one close to those performers seems to care. People just wring the money out of them til they die.

  22. when are the scooter blinds going to start??
