Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Blind Item #11

The Instagram feed for the permanent A list "singer" is just being used for distraction now to always get people talking about something else other than what is really going on behind the scenes.


  1. I heard it's just been her working out and stuff.

  2. I'm sorry but this whole Britney mess makes me sad and tired.

  3. Can we make the blinds a bit less obvious so even Helen Keller has a tough time guessing them Entern?

  4. I hope Brit Brit gets her freedom from dad, that way we can watch the bowl swirl live on social media. She has flashed her beave for paps in the past. Would be awesome if she did some webcam work.

  5. Brit be better off going radio silent than all the garbage she’s been throwing up there lately

  6. Enty has a daily quota

  7. I've seen more attractive stubbly chins than Brit's flap flash to the paps

  8. She should just go ahead and guarantee a bountiful harvest.

  9. Sarton, my ex said it looked like she had grandma's coin purse between her legs. lol

  10. Hey now, no snatch shaming here! Going to give other women a complex. Guys really don't care, as long as it's real and it's clean.

  11. If it weren't for her parents intervention, Britney would be dead like Jacko.
    I can't imagine her living more than a year or two without her father as conservator.
    She has serious mental problems like Kon, and least she isn't doing bat crazy things like building huts on her property, or starting her own tax free $$$ "religion $$$.

  12. If you're going to flash, wax first.
