Monday, September 23, 2019

Blind Item #14 - Emmy Awards

This foreign born B+ list mostly television actor from a hit streaming show was a nominee/winner this year. He was also being a tool to multiple actresses last night. He will blame it on being drunk, but he was being an a-hole.


  1. was Michael Sheen there?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good Omens is his show on Amazon Prime.

  4. Giancarlo Esposito?

  5. I will tolerate no mention of Mr. Harris or Mr. Esposito!

  6. Sheen was not there, and from what I have seen, he's not an asshole. I think he's one of those guys who'll try it on with a woman, and if she doesn't agree, he'll then be a total gentleman. But I bet he's a powerhouse in the sack.

  7. Sheen wasnt nominated, so not him. Tht my be Ben Wishaw then...

  8. Ben Wishaw is openly gay

  9. the only other one who fits the description is Leguizano then. Unless you say Hugh Grant is mostly tv. and he's not.

  10. @E, It's like a list of actors I really like :(

  11. @Brayson.

    Thank God! I thought I was a lonely demented soul in thinking how shit Good Omens was. Everyone else seemed to love it. I thought it stunk worse than Grimsby fish docks on a hot August Saturday.

    Those child actors were fucking appalling. I'm a big Terry Pratchett fan too.

    As to Carnival Row, I have yet to see it but to be honest I'm put off it by the stupidest thing. The names.

    I have an aversion to things in which the characters sport cod-Dickensian names. Philibert Sucklepigg, Revlon Maxfactor or some other such shite. And that includes the Potter abominations. Christ's tits that Hogwarts shite gets old fast.

  12. Hooray! Any Monday is made better by a Flashy Rant!

  13. Ben Wishaw is openly gay and his husband is a fellow Aussie. Those facts spoiled any fantasies involving Q...

  14. as a young female I dont understand why other women think michael sheen is sexy....he's so meh to me, but hey, to each their own

  15. @Notthisagain - I'm guessing it's the dirty little gleam in his eye. He looks like he knows what he's doing. Guess we could ask his baby mama to be... she's just turned 25.

  16. Anonymous1:11 PM

    @Brayson preach that show was a snoozefest

  17. @Flashy Vic, David Tennant and Jon Hamm were great, as always, in Good Omens, but even great actors can only carry shitty writing and editing so far. Absolutely despised Michael Sheen in it which was shocking because I normally like him.

    I see your point with the names, just do what I do, forget them. Especially this show, everyone is either a different species or holds some official position.

    Carnival Row is pretty good. Great acting, great special effects, etc. They even stole HBO's winning formula of relying on sex and violence to sell a story while still staying preachy. And it is preachy AF, but I wasn't even paying attention to any of the social commentary. I totally missed that fae folk passing as humans was a metaphor for transgender people although in that context it would really apply more to intersex people. Cara D actually kind of delivers and Tamzin Merchant was great as always. Best Orlando Bloom role since LOTR.
    I do have to say though, totally sick of the Burgue, the real story is in Tirnanoc with the Pact occupation. The Burgue, where much of it takes place, is basically Lake Town from The Hobbit movies.

  18. Peter Johnson-McDongwand
