Saturday, September 21, 2019

Blind Item #1

Nobody correctly guessed yesterday’s blind item concerning the legal troubles of a very powerful religious leader


  1. Is this in reference to the first very confusing blind item? Thank you for clarifying, lol.

  2. I love when Enty is like”nobody guessed this correctly,losers” 😂

  3. @Tricia, makes me feel great. Lmao.

  4. Pope Francis, the guy with words of support for the Charlie Hedbo murderers?

  5. I will just throw Franklin Graham into the mix.

  6. David Miscavige of Scio is being sued for wrongful imprisonment or something by former Sea Org members

  7. the Head Mormon guy. who is in charge with the fundamentalist these days?

  8. Joel Osteen because I hate his smirking fucking guts.

    1. Since they couldn’t open the “church” for the hurricane victims.

    2. Not a fan of Osteen, but that story was actually a media-generated fabrication.

    3. Negative. I have lived in Houston my whole life, and the saw with my very own eyes the lack of flood water at the building. The Summit isn't close enough to a bayou to experience the flooding that so much of Houston experienced. Churches around the corner from there were opening their doors - but not him. it was almost a week before he was shamed into opening as a shelter.

  9. I will gladly take all the respective religious leaders mentioned here on a helicopter ride, Pinochet style.

  10. Tricia13-- LOL! 😂

  11. I think @gaulouis got it. Lawsuits for sexual abuse.

  12. all religious leaders are awful by default

  13. What blind from yesterday?? Didn't see an involving religious leaders. New clue for #1 yesterday?

  14. He’s looking for the actor. Someone from Riverdale?

  15. Going on ancestral prejudice, the 'fucken' Pope, as he's known around here.

    I mean, I quite liked the old Polish one, a decent stick, by all accounts, but I'm more than happy to flick Vs and hiss derision at his kraut successor, Ratzi the Nazi, and the present commy Argie paedo fuckstick can suck my fucken plums (& probably would).

    FTP, No Surrender and Remember 1690.

    Because... why not.

    1. Ratz and his red shoes - that was sinister. The red shoe club - bespoke shoes made from "human leather". Pedos. It's bad. Maher was part of the red shoe club too, btw

    2. "The old Polish one" has been proved to have covered paedophile priests for YEARS, just moving them from one church to another. Not exactly the best pope ever. I'm an atheist but, as much as I hate religion, Pope Francis at least LOOKS LIKE he wants to do something to seriously change the church. Lots of my fellow italians hate him though, especially Northen League voters, because they thought being Catholic got them a free pass to hate people they don't like.

  16. Falwell Jr. Lots of dirty dealings, from the Miami stuff to LIberty U. to lots in between.

  17. I couldn't decipher it, let alone solve it. Well done to those who did!

  18. Kenneth Copeland in terms of money and power, he is #1 in both for Christian evanglicals. Falwell, Jr. is not a religious leader, he's just the head of Liberty University. He's a real estate developer.

  19. Flashy - you sexy beast!!! I always adore your comments, but my goodness!! Would you please translate what you just wrote? I am from Texas, and don't speak that type of English!!! 🤣😝🤓🤠

    1. And yep, I am an Episcopalian, and understand your "love" for the Catholics! :)

  20. Vic sounds like a Brit, complaining about the Catholic Pope, as the Brits like to do. The Catholic Pope wouldn't give their rotten, corrupt Henry VIII a divorce, so he threw the Catholic Church under the Brit bus, and created his own "Church of England" where the King/Queen is the head of the Church, and they can make their own rules. A total farce.

  21. La LUz do Mundo (Mexican mega church) leader is Naasón Joaquín García and he is being held in California on child rape charges. The prosecutors were fined the other day for not sharing info with the defense team, but the judge rescinded it today.

  22. La Luz del Mundo stupid auto correct

  23. In Vick's "Church" you have the spectacle of the head of the Church, Queen Elizabeth II riding prominently to her "Church" with her accused PERV of a son, Prince Andrew, riding next to her in her limo, LAUGHING. What a bunch of heathen TRASH.

  24. Got it covered- eenie meenie miney mo, could be any cause they all blow.

  25. Vick's "church" is why our WISE Founding Fathers IMMEDIATELY separated Church and State in our constitution for the United States of America. So the rotten, corrupt King/Queen would not be head of the State as well.

  26. You wouldn't want to narrow this down, like, at all, would you Enty?

  27. It doesn't matter that Osteen doesn't open his stadium "church" as a shelter. His sheep don't care. Those MAGA hillbillies just flock back there and sent their money there anyway, as soon as the storm ends. Those right wing evangelicals and their right wing counterparts don't believe in climate change, yet Houston has been hit with monster storms in the past few years.

  28. +1 Sandybrook and Osteen. I hate his huge chicklets, also. Creepy teeth....

  29. And "MAGA hillbillies" do NOT like Olsteen. That's coming from one....

  30. I assume Enty means this one -
    "Blind Item #1
    Big payoffs are happening. It's supposed to look like they "accidentally" made these mistakes, which will ultimately help out the accused big time. What other explanation is even plausible for this seemingly deliberate ineptitude."

    My guess - George Pell.
    His final appeal against charges of sexual assault is headed to the High Court of Australia. In fairness, I find the case to be a case of "he said, he said."
    Pell's accuser has no witnesses to the alleged crime that took place decades ago. I suspect Pell will beat the charges. I have no strong opinion one way or the other on his guilt or innocence

  31. Religious leaders / snake oil salespeople wouldnt be around if there were not idiots standing in line to give them influence and money.

  32. Brian Houston and his Happy Clapping Society "Hillsong"

  33. @Pink Blood Doesn't Pope Francis have some pretty bad skeletons in his own closet from covering for pedo clergy in Argentina?

  34. Oprah's darling, John of God, who, it turns out, isn't really a metaphysical, supernatural, superpsychic, psi-healer. Nope, he's just a run-of-the-mill baby-farm pimp.
