Monday, September 23, 2019

Blind Item #22 - Emmy Awards

This B/B- list actress who stars on a streaming show with the guy who calls everyone, "Sport," gave a security guard a tough time at the entrance to a party put on by her streaming channel. He was just checking i.d's and the occasional bag looking for weapons and when he asked to see her bag she told him to get a real job. It was so ugly.


  1. BIlly Bob Thornton and someone from Goliath?
    Diana Taylor?

  2. Whoever it was, what a jerk. Security is there to keep you safe, and if you don't want them to see the drugs or condoms or whatever in your purse, don't bring that stuff with you.

  3. Sport, what is that a Great Gatsby reference? The worst is people who call everyone "chief" ugh.

  4. My favorite is "kiddo". Just because I'm short does not me me a Kid.

  5. @Brayson-Charlie Sheen does that. He calls everyone Chief.

  6. My father used to call everyone "Clive".

    I find her statement to be ironic.

  7. @Aris, Well that says it all right there ;)

  8. An actress tells a security guard to get a real job? Pot/Kettle.

  9. Bob Odenkirk and the bitch who plays the attorney

  10. My dad used to call all his little grandsons Sam. That confused them to the point they'd cry because "That's not my name. Is it my name? MOM!"

  11. seriously though, the TSA and all the over security harassment of citizens everywhere you go has to stop. normalizing the post-911 police state is not cool or whistleblowing, its just nwo virtue signalling.
