Monday, September 23, 2019

Blind Item #38 - Emmy Awards

With such dismal ratings, there has been talk this morning to making a certain award show no one watched last night have a permanent fixed date every year. The one that the few people in the room responded positively to was having it the day after Halloween (Rather than saying November 1st - they kept referring to it as the day after Halloween) every single year regardless of what day of the week it falls on. Also, to have a talk show host be the host of the show and then use the stage as the set of the talk show for that night. Thirty minutes during local news to prepare.


  1. and Kimmel? we can do away with all awards shows nobody GAF

  2. Sounds like the talk show host could potentially rotate.

    I think this is a great idea. Count me in for one vote please.

  3. However, when Halloween falls on a Thursday or Friday, the Emmys would air on Friday or Saturday night, could suck the ratings out.

  4. No offense, but if they put it anywhere near Halloween that shitty little show will burn to the ground. You don't f*ck with Halloween.

    Also Nov 1st is All Saints Day and the first day of The Day of the Dead, so it would be kind of sh!tty to put the Emmys on that day.

  5. The ratings are dismal because more and more people don't want to watch a bunch of predators and whores pat themselves on the back about how great they are. That's just the working theory of course.

  6. +1 on both comments @ Brayson.

  7. The only awards shows I can imagine people would watch is something similar to what the Brits do, by having regular people win awards for doing extraordinary things for their communities after being nominated by said communities.

    I think the Pride of Britain Awards are the biggest of those, and gets shown annually in November.

    Otherwise, why would anyone want to watch "celebrities" being awarded for doing their jobs?

  8. It's perfect! Have the emmys right around "dia de los muertos" a day of the dead for a dead show.

  9. Lol! They can’t even say the words All Saint’s Day because they are anything BUT! But the vicinity of the Day of the Dead certainly fits because that show is done. Do Not Resuscitate.

  10. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Glory days of TV are over.
    My mom and I used to watch the Emmys together when I was little .
    She loved the glamour of it.
    It is not the same anymore.

    1. I had this same conversation with my mom. We used to tune in regularly years ago, but we haven’t watched in over a decade & never will again. It’s turned into a big circle jerk of liberal sycophants. Also the fashion has gotten bad.

  11. Anyone recall that episode of White Collar where Cersei fucks the comic relief? Now that was acting, albeit she looked strung out in order to get through the scene.

  12. Too many shows no one has heard of,let alone seen. The talk show host idea is okay, the best time would be the end or beginning of the tv season,but all the streaming and cable seasons are different. Also how can an unknown tv network actor compete with a movie star slumming on a streaming service ?

  13. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Ha! Emmys on All Saints Day every fucking year!

  14. Graham Norton would be the best host of Emmys!! Get him!

  15. Brayson87........3:44 PM

  16. Brayson87........3:44 PM - Yep !

  17. @Brayson spot on. I was a huge fan of all these awards shows for years . Today they make me sick seeing all that fakery . The glitter is all gone in my eyes .

  18. All the award shows are dying out, including the Oscars. The format is years out of date with the times. The public doesn't care and have tuned out.

  19. November 1st is my birthday and it is the last thing I would want to watch that day. I try not to fall asleep too early on my birthday and that snore fest would put me to sleep.
