Thursday, September 26, 2019

Blind Item #4

This A/A- list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee was all smiles at a premiere this week, but can't stand her handsy A- list co-star.


  1. Natalie Portman/Jon Hamm?

  2. Anonymous7:39 AM

    What’s there to grab? She’s so tiny she could pass through the eye of a needle.

  3. Never heard of this film and I have to say, it sounds dumb.

    From Rotten Tomatoes:

    "In LUCY IN THE SKY, Natalie Portman plays Lucy Cola, a strong woman whose determination and drive as an astronaut take her to spac..."

    Do they ever make a move about a woman who isn't strong and determined to do something? It sounds a bit like G.I. Jane.

    It's even rated R! What's to rate R? Is there going to be a Space Orgy?

    Is it going to be like Modesty Blaise or Barbarella? 'Cause then it might be good.

  4. Throwing out Tarij/ Terrence Howard to be different.

  5. At least it isn't another comic book/superhero movie.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Yeesh, I seriously fear Hamm would split Portman in half.

  8. So sick of astronot movies... So fake.

  9. Let's be honest, has Natalie Portman ever been in a sci-fi movie that didn't suck? Like you see her name and it's like yeah I can skip that one.

    1. Anonymous12:08 PM

      Brayson I highly recommend you watch Anihilation, it was an amazing sci-fi and by far my favorite movie of last year.

  10. @Super Comic Fun Time!

    "Wow! The Milky Way looks amazing from up here! Look at it strewn all across the firmament! It looks do close you could touch it "

    "That ain't the Milky Way, honey."

    Boom Chicka Wah Wah...

  11. Charlize Theron & Oscar Isaac?

  12. Anonymous12:20 PM

    A fact I strangely never hear people talk about: did you know Portaman lied for the fast majority of her career thag she is fluent in 8 languages? She isnt. She speaks Hebrew and French at an ok level, good enough to have a very very simple conversation. The other 5 languages are all made up. In fact, her wikipedia seems to have deleted this "fact", which used to be on the very beginning.

    1. Everybody lies in hollywood..remember when mila kunis lie about her age to get thebpart of jackie in that 70's show

  13. Great call out on Natalie Portman @ Rosemary. There are certain defenders of the pedos and she is one of them.

  14. @rosemary, Oh I saw it, good special effects but I stand by my comment. Looks like the box office agreed.

    I do remember that she was supposed to have spoken a bunch of languages.

  15. Really think it's Natalie Portman and Jon Hamm. I remember there was another blind item that she didn't want him on the movie because he was box office poison. I wouldn't that gross drunk grabbing me either. Don't care if he does have big one. He's creepy

  16. The movie is a big bomb too. It's got only 21% on rotten tomatoes. Doubt that Portman will ever work with Hamm again.

  17. Natalie Portman can't stand anyone.

  18. Since she's in social media i can't stand her. She's this annoying pro hillary supporter just like debra messing level of annoying. I really hope susan sarandon kick her ass some day

  19. Anonymous1:11 AM

    @super comic fun time The movie is based on the bat shit crazy story of Lisa Nowak, sans the adult diapers (which might account for the low rotten tomatoes score - it's a point in the story that is --ALLEGEDLY-- an urban legend and people are MAD the movie left it out).
