Friday, September 06, 2019

Blind Item #4

The had a chance to be an A+ list mostly movie actor is stuck at A- list and now is branching out in all kinds of ways. He thinks he is a huge singing star, but isn't. He thinks he is a huge influencer so opened an online store. He is just hiding from who he is. It would be nice if he just came out.


  1. Talented guy but I'm finding him more and more unlikable.

  2. I keep forgetting that Jeremy Renner is a closeted gay man with a kid.

  3. Don’t get him at all. Talented actor ,but looks wise🤷‍♀️

  4. Renner is not fooling anyone. Jeep commercials or not

  5. No one should be an "influencer" unless they are close to their authentic selves. Jeremy is a good actor,but rather forgettable.

  6. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Did he play himself in Lords of Dogtown? The way he leered at that kid was terrifying

  7. Ted C already accidentally outed him (JR). Lost his E! gig over it.

  8. Ted C already accidentally outed him (JR). Lost his E! gig over it.

  9. Not kidding - I overheard a bunch of rough trucker looking guys say "I like Jeremy Renner, he's a good actor" at a roadside diner in the middle of nowhere. So he has some people fooled!

  10. @Wallis, Well some of the manliest men in history have been three dollar bills. He's also not a bad actor.

  11. Miss Ted C. JR is a good actor. Influencer? Na.

  12. I’ve always been repulsed by this guy. He looks like a bitchy psycho to me. Animal instincts, I guess.

  13. He just got trolled hard.

  14. He recently had to shut down his app because of the trolls. Pity. Not a big JR fan myself, but I don't wish hatred/bashing on anyone.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Listen to his interview on Howard Stern... He thinks he is REALLY intelligent. It's difficult to stomach.

  17. IDK, I find him to be absolutely magnetic on screen. He has a good voice, too, altho it's not really my kind of music from what I've heard so far.

  18. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Jeremy Renner is all over the place now trying his hand at everything including selling cars.
    I don't get the attraction on any level. He looks like any guy you would see any place. He's not a great singer. IDK about actor never seen him in anything I can remember.
    I wonder if he's just trying to make as much money as possible before the inevitable outing?

  19. He has such gay face same as NPH and Taylor Lautner. haha

    But, yah sounds like to me he is making as much as he can while he can. He is such a character actor look though not romantic lead so who cares?

  20. Anonymous9:53 AM

    He has a face made for character actor roles. No way is he leading man material.

  21. Renner doesn't give a shit. He's got buckets of money, an acting career solid enough to be a fool with the music (it's goofy, but I don't hate it). And if all that fails, he restores and fixes multi million dollar homes. The Amazon thing... I dunno. It's just another of his weird gigs. Next week he'll be doing youtube videos painting happy little clouds and making banks on it. Who cares? He does him, not you.

  22. P.S. Just because Renner doesn't publicly come out and satisfy YOUR curiosity doesn't mean he's "hiding who he is". Jesus, your sense of entitlement is getting bigger than your bacon addiction.

  23. It would be nice if he came out? He should come out when and if he wants to.

  24. renner is creepy but i do think he's a good actor. 'the hurt locker' was good and he was good in it. i feel sorry for him. wish he'd just come out for his own sake.

  25. I mean ONE way he could come out is that Renner isn't the romantic sexy lead type. THE HURT LOCKER, other roles he has been great in, have no romantic connections. He is just solid as an actor.

  26. Jeremy Renner is a REALLY GOOD example of believing Enty and posts that say you have to suck weiner to make it.
    It's the only explanation

  27. If the most interesting thing about someone is who they sleep with, then they aren't very interesting. Renner has a lot going on that is more interesting. I could care less if someone is gay or straight, I just want to know if they are a good person. And I'm Republican

  28. Jeremy Renner is a terrible human and a bad liar. Tom Cruise was his mentor and BFF, go figure.

  29. BCoop just to be different

  30. Didn't he date Lady Gaga? Lol

  31. @Sallysal, why is he a "terrible human"?

    1. Anonymous4:21 AM

      He isn’t, they are just fucking with you Jeremy
