Saturday, September 21, 2019

Blind Item #5

The alliterate foreign born singer sans her "boyfriend" sure was chummy with another guy and some coke last night.


  1. Replies
    1. In related news:Shawn Mendes is gay.

  2. They need to give up on that contract. My girls are young teens and can see it is all fake. What is the point if you aren’t even fooling your target demographic?

  3. Meanwhile the two of them have the #1 hit song in America--Senorita and his song by himself is still in the top ten.

  4. Well she's not very PR savvy if she gets spotted getting chummy with another guy a day after they made a public declaration that their relationship was REAL and not fake. Poor bearding indeed!!

  5. Texasrose+1

    He's a talented kid. I think his primary audience, let alone the majority of general public, could give a rip about his preferences. However, I think everyone resents bad/half-assed fakery. Why can't he just be a young man figuring things out while being single? It's the PR paradigm of young performer as teen heartthrob onto whom to project relationship obsessions that needs to change.

    1. Talented? He can't even sing, he just screams.

    2. He is talented after an altered recording in the studio haha

  6. Probably not cocaine. That shit is harder to find than hens teeth.

  7. Talented are you serious. This kid is so fucking vanilla Camilla Cabello has to snort coke around him just to stay awake

  8. LOL, Krissie & Mel!...not a fan of his voice, but at least he writes his songs, some with catchy melodies. He's still really young.
