Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Blind Item #6

The first person this B+ list comic actress told about her engagement was that A list actor ex with whom she keeps in constant communication.


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    1. Jenny Slade/Chris Evans

    2. It amuses me that capt America is a seedy bsdm sex freak. What is the point of getting married in the first place?

  2. Jenny slate and Chris Evans

  3. Jenny Slate/Chris Evans. Like he really cares...

  4. +1 Tricia & MD, Capt likes to get his freak on like on a real American.

  5. Why is this a blind? I think it's kind of respectful to tell your ex (IF you're still friends) about your engagement, especially if you're famous. So they won't find out about it on social media.

    I guess I'm naive.

  6. @Lisa, It's always a booty call or just to rub the engagement in their face. The first person?

  7. @Brayson- I did. I'm still friends with one of my exes and since my family has no discretion, he was the first to know after my best friend. It was the courteous thing to do! Again, I guess I'm naive!

  8. there is being on friendly terms with an ex and then being friends with an ex. the latter has a lot of blurred lines that can cause complications with current SOs.

    I think the point of the blind is to tell readers that Slate and Evans are in constant communication. If Slate's fiance doesnt know this, then Slate and Evans are hiding something; meaning they are fucking regularly.

    I don't blame Slate. Evans supposedly has a professionally installed sex dungeon. don't know anything about her fiance but he is nothing compared to Capt America going buck wild in his personal sex dungeon.

    Slate, cut off the elicit sex with evans now before truth comes out Evans and your fiance reject you both.

  9. Eh, I just don't see the problem. Maybe the new fiance is down with all of it. And hell, bearded Cap in a sex room? Yes, please.

  10. Lol, you are extremely optimistic and maybe as you said yourself, a little naive. But maybe you are right, 2019 can be the year men get rid of their toxic masculinity and possessiveness and feel confident about and ok with their fiance getting railed by a rich actor from a super hero franchise, that has a professionally installed personal sex dungeon. No problem whatsoever.

  11. Snark if you like but like I said earlier, maybe the new fiance is smart enough to join in with so much hotness. It IS 2019, like you said. ;)

  12. Hey now, that's America's a$$ we're talking about ;)

  13. Wasn't she nailing Chris when she was married? Is she gonna dump this guy too if he comes calling again?

  14. @drew -- do you think Chris is getting married? Slate is the one getting married. Chris is single and hopefully putting in work in his dungeon with numerous willing women.

  15. @jw12 -- I heard that too.. There was overlap of her marriage and her hooking up with Evans while filming the Gifted. This new relationship was pretty short before they got engaged. I hope she knows what she is doing. Maybe it will be a long engagement. It doesn't look good to be divorced more than once before hitting 40.

  16. @Brayson- that's why I think they'd BOTH want to tap that. :)

  17. Jenny Slate must be one talented sex bot with an interesting personality. she should write a book ..
