Sunday, September 15, 2019

Blind Item #6

It looks like this Oscar winning actor is getting closer to confirming what I have been saying for a decade. He still hooks up with that permanent A list mostly movie actress ex of his and has done so despite who they might have been involved with over the years. Isn't that right sport?


  1. Billie Bob and Angelina Jolie

  2. @MD +1. Angie and Billy Bob have a LOT of chemistry. More than I see with any of their other relationships.

  3. Wow! Didnt he compare sex with her to being with the couch (or some other less than flattering analogy)? Was that smoke and mirrors for us, or to rile her up?

  4. Gross. How is AJ Permanent A list? Is she even A now? A- maybe.

  5. Anonymous12:29 PM

    A Billy Bob/Angelina Reunion Tour would be beneficial to her right now, so I expect it will probably happen. Of course without the hooking up now and then all these years stuff throughout other spouses stuff lol.

  6. I guess the two of them simply don’t believe in fidelity? BBT seems to cheat in all of his relationships and AJ seems to start out as the side piece in most of hers. Why bother with marriage? They both have kids to be role models for. Grow up!

  7. ‘Sport’ is an Aussie term so Crowe and Ryan??

  8. I don't think it's Meg Ryan and Russell Crowe. Pitt and Jolie makes more sense to me.

  9. Aniston and Pitt.

    Too much bickering going on in the press between Pitt and Jolie. Not good for any celebrity on either side of a divorce.

    Lots of shade being thrown.

    Somebody had a highly publicized birthday party recently.

    Lots of famous folks attended.

    Doobie doobie doo....

  10. John Hamm and Sarah Silverman.

  11. Ah, wait, went to fast and I just got up! lol, nevermind about those two, ha

    1. XD was gonna say...
      Silverman, permanent A? XD
      She's less than a year away from nonentity

  12. Did Billy Bob call the kid sport in the movie Mr Woodcock? I vote for him and Angie.

  13. Of course it’s BBT & Angie. Once you wear someone’s vial of blood around your neck &
    own a pet rat together, there’s no going back.

  14. Thorton and Jolie carried vials of each other's blood around their necks so...

    It could be either way with Jolie and her ex.

    The thing most do not realize is that these folks on the high end do not follow the same moral constructs as the rest of society. The deity they serve is the polar opposite and so is their behavior.

    It takes a village...

    L.A. is a village or a colony.

  15. I want to say Billy Bob and Angelina, but is she mostly movie actress? I thought Brad Pitt and Jennifer and "isn't that right sport" a nod to Moneyball movie?

  16. The mostly movie actress is the Pitt/Aniston clincher. Plus he attended her premature 50th birthday party with Paltrow, Witherspoon, Downey, and others.

    Why would you do attend a highly publicized ex-wive's birthday party in the middle of a fighting over custody rights and alimony with another soon to be ex?

    Plus Pitt and Jolie ditched their vineyard (Italy I believe) as soon as Trump was elected.

    They do so love Italy don't they.

    Close to the shores of...?

    What celebrity was recently seen riding on an NGO ship carrying refugees from Africa?

    1. Hmmm, probably the one that trafficks children? But who could THAT be?

    2. @Me: Anniston is not considered ‘mostly movie. Her biggest role was on Friends. Angie is mostly movie.

      He attended Jennifer’s party because he could, and I believe he wanted to throw it in Angie’s face.

      Pitt & Jolie did not ditch their Vineyard. It’s in France, not Italy, and they want to keep it for their kids.

  17. Monkeyweather

    Well I am lost but I would say that many are involved because they cannot exist without is fame and attention.

    Sex, drugs, blood, trafficking all serve the same cause. To keep them in the limelight above everyone else.

    Whomever owns/owned property in Italy is/was involved with trafficking. This is why Salvini is so important.

    Who in the celebrity world traveled to Italy in the past year?

    Pitt, Aniston, Clooney and Amal, Obama, Sandler (Murder Mystery via Netflix)...

    Which celebrities lived overseas?

    Johannson, Depp, Portman...

    Why all the yachting?


  18. Billy Bob the bully and Jolie the child procurer

  19. Makes sense. United Nations.

    Everyone has to prove their own innocence.

    That's a side effect of throwing shade.

    Doesn't matter why shade is thrown because an overwhelming majority of the general public cannot discern between bunk shade and shade thrown to cloak pure evil.

    There is a method to the madness of chipping away at the bottom.

    Twister is far from over.

    Buckle up buttercups.

  20. That's nice. They are amicable about asset retention but Pitt wants to rub Aniston in Jolies face.

    Makes perfect sense.

    I don't trust a thing I see on the internet.


    Buckle up... messages are not always shall we say... intended or unintended...

    Sweet dreams.

  21. @Me, the vineyard is actually in Provence. It’s called Miraval, produced at Chateau Miraval, which has an interesting history, including being the recording site for part of Pink Floyd’s The Wall. I only know this because I’d purchased the rosé several times and really liked it, before reading a previous blind’s comments here regarding Miraval and the Brange, and so I did a little digging. I suppose that’s sorta close to Italy...ish.

    Maybe that’s where Bob G. shaved off his eyebrows? Heh.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Not Brad and Jen. Mostly movie actress doesn't fit her bill.
    With most of the comments, I;m leaning towards Billy and Angie.

  24. This is 100% supposed to be BBT/St Angie
