Sunday, September 01, 2019

Blind Item #8

With all the time and energy this A/A- list singer has been devoting to her new completely different type project, her serial cheating husband is doing so again.


  1. Kelly Rowland and a Christmas movie?

  2. Clarkson seems sweet.

    Getting dogged out anyway. That's a bummer.

    Well it's about him, it's not her.

  3. Clarkson and her talk show

  4. This screams Kelly Clarkson

  5. I really like Kelly, this would be a real shame. Think she knows?

  6. grrr I love Kelly, I think she's a rare genuine person in the industry

    we know her husband has been cheating on her since the beginning. wasnt there a blind saying she just 'accepts' it? fuck that guy.

  7. Like dog father, like dog son.

  8. Poor kelly. I like her. She doesn't deserve that

  9. I don’t think she knows. Or if she does, she stays anyways. Because he came out on stage with her once as a surprise & she genuinely melted. She was so overcome with emotion. They really looked like they were in love. Or, at least she is...

  10. It was when she was singing that song she wrote, about growing up with an abusive father. When she got to the part where she sings about finding a man who is a good husband & father, he came out, playing his guitar.

  11. "Gen-z99

    I don't want to watch that fat vanilla bitch."

    Then don't. you fetid burlap sack stuffed full of week old oatmeal.

  12. Kelly seems like the ideal celebrity. Genuinely nice. Roots for others. Talented.

    Thought she knew he has been cheating on her and she turns a blind eye.

  13. Kelly Clarkson seems like a better version of Reese Witherspoon

  14. Kelly Clarkson seems nice but also extremely annoying. I certainly have no interest in her talk show, but I don’t like any of them so 🤷🏼‍♀️. Except Maury. I love Maury!

  15. sillylittlefreak said...
    "Gen-z99: I don't want to watch that fat vanilla bitch."

    Then don't. you fetid burlap sack stuffed full of week old oatmeal.


  16. Kelly is NOTHING like Witherspoon. Kelly is fun and genuine.

  17. "stuffed full of week old oatmeal."

    OMG. HAHA I'm going to try to work that phrase into a conversation at work tomorrow. #TuesdayGoals

  18. 1) I know, that's why she is a better version of Reese, she's got the true Southern girl charm Reese pretends she has but isn't uppity

    2) my oatmeal stays in the cabinet for weeks, months even. Idk what y'all talkin about

  19. If she knows and stays with him then she's stupid. If she doesn't know, she should leave him straight away. Either way, he's a prick if this is true.
