Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Blind Item #8

Two of the stars of this east coast version of the multiple city franchise won't be fired for their most recent remarks. There is no such thing as being fired for awful behavior in the show. At best, there might be a throwaway reunion question buried in part four where they can apologize. Awful behavior is encouraged and if it is too awful, it is just removed through editing. 


  1. Replies
    1. NYFW comments about a trans model.

  2. Sickening. Their claim to fame is being on a stupid reality show and they have the audacity to shame other people?

  3. They're jealous the trans model looks more feminine than they do.

    1. Sonja is still very pretty I think... Dorinda is just -ugh. She’s a lil rough around the edges lol

    2. @Brayson: You got that right!


  5. @Tricia, Sonja still pretty? When I used to see people with faces like hers I assumed they were born with a developmental disability and tried to be extra nice.

  6. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Why the world thinks people should applaud trans sex is beyond me. I am not "phobic" about these people. That means you are afraid of them and I am not afraid. I just know that there are two sexes. If you are born a man, or a woman that is simply what you are. If you purchase an operation to "change your sex", you are not changing your sex. You are still what you were born. You may be living in an elaborate costume. But I, and others don't have to buy into your personal fantasy.

    1. You don't have to "applaud" them. Just let them live their fucking lives. They're not hurting you.

    2. They said that's a guy. And it was. But in the last five years it became a crime to use that word. I say send them to the guillotone.

    3. +1 Low Key: You don’t have to applaud them but you certainly don’t need to insult them.

    4. You're incorrect. At the VERY least, you've left out Intersex or people born with ambiguous sex characteristics. Their brain doesn't let them know who they might be and many stay intersexed their entire life. For years, the FBI has had several designations for sexual identity. It makes perfect sense that sexual identity gets screwed up in the womb. Mother Nature makes a continuum of sexual identity: xx males, xy females, xxy females, etc. Many humans are born with no clear idea of their sex. The first little test they perform when a couple comes in with infertility concerns is check to see if the female is male at the cellular level. No doctor would ever tell the person who considers herself female that she is not female. Or think of the actress Linda Hunt with Turner Syndrome. She has a partial or missing X chromosome. So what is her true sex? Men are born with a damaged Y chromosome. What are they?

      So, despite what folks wish to believe, there are and have always been more than two sexes. It is not a only a matter of physical characteristics. It's what is in your head. It seems unkind to make light humor about anyone who lives this life.

  7. Sonja and Dorinda

  8. They said something like with a jody like thay must be a guy. Burn them!

  9. I didn't find anything Sonja or Slurinda said that was that awful. My God people get so worked up about anything and everything these days. Those of us a certain age were not born woke and this type of thing was just part of our social norm. Best to just nod and smile and not say a fucking word.

  10. i never understood people that get so angry or offended by someone just trying to be themselves.
    I applaud trans people because I'm afraid of them, and you don't because you're not?? You got that mixed up sweetie. I applaud them because it takes guts, especially in this day and age of keyboard warriors like yourself, who are so ready to judge a compelte stranger on shit they know nothing about.
    You need to dig deep within yourself and ask yourself why you ARE so afraid of them.
    Are you mad that you can't be yourself and you have to use an unknown tag on a blog to talk shit??

  11. The remarks were rude, but they are basically 2 senior citizens trying to navigate this modern world. Could have been worse.

  12. Some people on this blog are so closed minded and unenlightened!

  13. How have we, as a people, all of us regardless of what our parts were and are now, forgotten Miss Swan. Come on anyone who watched her she look a like a man shit laughed. Now we clutch our pearls and scream transphobia or whatever the proper term should be. Lighten up Sandy baby. 5 Points and big smile for whomever can come up with who said Lighten up Sandy baby.

    1. Clutch our pearls- I'm stealing you that phrase!

  14. IMO, certain people need to toughen up and grow a thicker skin if you know what I mean. Sticks and stones can certainly break bones, but words are words. Get used to life being tough, you can't expect people to fawn over you and protect you from rude comments because of your feelings.

  15. There are plenty of cisgendered women who get told they look like guys every day and they don't go ballistic. Trans women need to do what cisgender women have done since time began--let it go.

  16. How about dont watch the show if the ladies bother you?!.!
