Sunday, September 15, 2019

Blind Item #8

That A list NFL wide receiver is still trying to convince people he is straight.


  1. If he’s outed say bye bye to career.

  2. Odell.

    Aaron Rodgers is a QB not a wide receiver.

  3. You can fool everyone, but Enty knows!

  4. Yeah, they aren't ready for gays in the NFL, just straight wife beaters, women murderers, girlfriend beaters, leave them for dead in the elevator abusers. ESPN often seems like Court TV talking about all the domestic abuse of the NFL straight misogynists.

    1. Don't forget Michael Vick.1+

  5. i think the NFL is ready for a gay player but the problem is the media will make a circus out of it.. if they just let it be no one would care and the person can be themselves but not be a distraction

  6. The Patriots are letting that creep Antonio Brown play today. I refuse to watch. They are giving lip service to the MASSIVE, violence against women from these THUG, GOON, NFL felons to be.

  7. Start by playing a different position.

    Studio54, no one cares about your outrage.

  8. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha


  9. @This and That,

    Rogers used to be a "tight end" now he's a "wide receiver."

  10. Anonymous11:59 AM

    @Mooney is exactly right. None of them can come out. It's the end of their career if they do. We may as well stop talking about it.
    That goes for musicians and actors as well as sports figures.
    It's even worse now.
    It used to be someone in the public eye had to just worry about the people who did not like gays. Now it's even worse because the media would be all over a big gay star and that's all they would ever talk about. Constant fawning and adoration to the point that the person could no longer do their job. They would just be the Big Gay whatever.

  11. I think Studio54 makes an strong point about the NFL's informal tolerance and intolerance.

  12. Anonymous12:24 PM

    How would anyone even know if a player is gay unless he can't control his boners in the locker room? I'm sure there have been dozens of gay and bi football players over the years. I doubt if most of the other players would even care.

  13. Mixing the culture shit in the NFL and other Sports tanked ESPN ratings as well as NFL ratings with the whole kneeling shit. People for the most part want to watch sports and movies for entertainment not for social commentary.

    Same with an actor. The moment an actor comes out...he or she is forever known as that gay or lesbian actor. That is how they will be described in every news article from then on out and not for their talent or role.

    All these famous people living in the so called closet are still basically doing whatever the hell they want to do anyways and because news organization refuse to "out" celebrities they are honestly more protected than the Brad/ Angie/ Reese/ Nicole and the other A listers.

    So, he could come out and forever known as. the "gay player" or keep doing what he is doing and nothing changes all the while still making bank.

  14. Well the ex welsh rugby captain that was gay has come out as having AIDS as has been universally lauded as "brave" by the MSM monoculture...

    1. He has undetectable HIV not AIDS

  15. His team mates know and they probably don’t care

  16. Nice to know that a non-violent, silent protest against violence is known as "that kneeling shit" around here...

    And yeah, that ex-rugby player is lauded as brave, but mainly because he was the first rugby player to come out as gay when most in sports don't because of the homophobia still rampant in sports. Plus, he's HIV+, he doesn't have AIDS.

    I do understand arguments such as "they'll be known as the gay actor" but then I think of openly gay Sir Ian McKellan and how nobody gives a shit about his sexuality. He's just talked about as one of the greatest actors of all time.

    1. Thank you!!!

  17. Cam Newton without a doubt

    1. WR not QB. Please learn basics prior to commenting

    2. WR not QB. Please learn basics prior to commenting

  18. @LUCKY. You are speaking from you and your friend's POV...not a billion other POV.

    Have you not understood that yet? Surronding yourself with people that believe exactly like you...does not equal actual reality.

    And,,,the though of promoting a STD/ GIV/ AIDS as normal and acceptable. Well, " my truth speaks for itself" : STOP BEING SEXUALLY USED.

    Start outing men if YOU TRULY believe it. Which you do not. Hypocrite.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I am so sorry. I should always be more clear as a woman. Here is my advice:

    Go to the Middle East: IRAN, IRAQ, PAKISTAN, and MOST IMPORTANT Saudi Arabia.

    HERE is to you LGBT = for all the victimhood you claim to feel ; for every victim in the US is being thrown off a building in the Middle East.

    On you, not me.

  21. Anonymous9:18 PM

    @TeeHee@U. Amen Brother or Sister or Non-Identifying Person. I am so tired of the victimhood.
    Women are going to prison in Iran for decades for daring to remove the hijab. Women in the US are trying to make it a fashion statement.
    Women making heroes out of Omar and Rash when it's obvious they are taking orders from men.
    Gay men are being imprisoned and murdered all throughout the Muslim world and in the West gay men are still pretending that guys like Mike Pence are the biggest threat. I'll let all you straight people in on a little secret. The gay guys are just hoping for more "Hot Arab Boys" on Grindr. They are in for a very hard the street from the nearest rooftop.

  22. ITHanks! I just cannot believe that AMERICAN moderates. conservatives are the biggest threat to the LGBT..

    Bitches...they are throwing you off buildings by the dozens per know...some comic hurt your feeling so that should always take precedence.


    Again, on YOU not ME!

  23. So... when you say "wide receiver"... you're still talking a player position?

  24. At worst, Christians and Jewish and Muslims do not agree with the LGBT the middle East they murder you.

    You care so much...go protest in the Middle East.

    Really shows your character!

    It is on you my LGBT pals...NOT ME!

    Your feelings vs Your LIFE!


  25. Did you guys hear about that lesbian/ LGBT activist throwing a mentrsual cup on someone who simply disagreed with her based on their religion??

    You think that chick would throw it on a Muslim male/ female?


    On Liberals...NOT ME! I refuse to be apart thee! Dislike HATE! But, it seems liberals only ate that hate!

  26. OBJ. No straight dude is such a drama queen. He is all busted up still about the Giants ditching him. Cant wait until the Browns are 1-6 and OBJ is pointing fingers, making the lockerroom toxic.

  27. This is Aaron Rodgers the media has moved on. Rodgers is never going to come out of closet he is afraid of losing endorsements. According to blind gossip they say Rodgers is banging dudes at his home in southern California. Blind gossip says men come to his house day and night he has property close to San Diego.
