Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 31, 2019

In addition to yachting while out of the country, this former MTV star is trying to sell a movie that right now is only in her head. Considering her last business ventures and her constant avoidance of process servers related to those collapsed businesses, it is probably not the best idea to just hand her money. She will Corey Feldman it.

Farrah Abraham


  1. Aren't most of her movies in her a$$ not her head?

  2. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Is she in over her head or the head she is sucking on? Enquiring minds want to know.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Good thing I read this. I was about to hand her a whole shitload of money.

  5. Every FU***NG day a blind about this girl who I never managed to even google it, but I am already familiar with the name. I wonder if Enty gets paid to give her space here...

    1. I googled her. Don't bother. I don't recognize the face at all and cannot for the life of me figure out what she has done or may be doing. Sigh. I'm not willing to watch Housewives of XXXX to figure it out. If it's a Cohen project, it has got to be distasteful showing women to be black widows or money-grubbers and sporting those weird waffle-colored tans while complaining about aging? Right?

      Andy Cohen. BLECH..

  6. Flavia, I skip posts I'm not interested in. Works great.

  7. J, I know this. As a matter of fact I didn't even read this blind like so many other blinds about her. This is just my 2¢ cause I'm allowed to do so. Thanks for your concern.

  8. roberta joan she started out on one of those teen mom shows not housewives.

  9. Why are still giving this whore any kind of recognition?
