Thursday, September 12, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 29, 2019

Fans of this rebooted boy band are beginning to notice what I have been telling you for a long time. The relationship between one of the members and his wife is fake. Things really started to fall in place for them this week.

Nick Jonas/Priyanka Chopra


  1. OH FFS, just put that they're a lavender marriage on the banner and spare us all the blinds, the secret is out. 😅

  2. Or the fans want it to be fake because they dont like, her maybe Entern? I doubt their fans are old enough to know anything like the news you're spreading about them/him and beards.

  3. A homo JoBro? Oh no! Say it ain’t so!

  4. @sandybrook -- "I doubt their fans are old enough to know anything like the news you're spreading about them/him and beards."

    Surely you jest. Many very young people are into sexual things these days I would not have known about when I was their age. They may not know what a "beard" is but they definitely know and do other things that.... if their parents only knew. Hey, how about a blowjob between classes; we have enough time.

  5. @Village guru do you think the majority of their fans think he's gay and covered it up by marrying her? Do you think any of them even think he's gay?

  6. @sandybrook -- I do. Young teens are not dumb and innocent, not at all; the internet is a wide-open place so you know well they can read the same things you and I do. It is more along the lines of "they know, but it doesn't matter to them."

  7. ok but I still think they are more jealous of her being with him than anything else.

  8. The most telling thing is that they don't match physically. Most real couples look like a match. Jonas and Chopra never did match up. It was and is very odd. They both must have paid for the cheapest "match maker" on the planet.

  9. You guys do realize that the Jonas Brothers rose to fame in 2005, right? 14 years ago? So their key demographic today are not young teens - and even their younger fans are now adults. 🙄🙄🙄 Plenty old enough to understand what a beard is.
