Saturday, September 14, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 3, 2019

One of the main financial backers for a recent tribute concert for the foreign born DJ was the government who had a part in the cover up of his death.



  1. Enty seems to be in the minority that there was a cover up regarding his death.

  2. @sandybrook,not really. There was never a full reveal on his cause of death,just second hand info. Most reports said he bled to death,supposedly from cutting himself with glass. Very uncommon type of suicide, blood loss might mean inaccurate toxicology reports. None of it was formally released. And considering where it happened....

  3. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Now, I suspect his family is responsible for his estate, correct? His parents probably. Now why would they accept money from a country? Don’t they smell something fishy that they would be even given a dime? Are the family stupid and oblivious enough to not suspect a single thing? - that is, if there is something to suspect here, Enty.

  4. Arab state, dodgy death. Anyone really surprised?

  5. Isn't it a reasonable possibility that Tim Bergling (Avicii (not "Avicci")) might have died of an overdose of hard drugs, and that the Omani government - which has an extremely hard-line policy on even possession of hard drugs, let alone their importation - sought to avoid labelling his death as a drugs overdose?

    I'd further suggest that it might not be beyond reasonable possibility that the Omani govt might have informed Tim that they were turning a blind eye to any drugs he might like to bring into the country, in return for having him as a famous, youth-attracting visitor/resident. And obviously they wouldn't want that to come out. So by making sure the "official" cause of death was blood loss, they avoided any and all drugs-related questions.

    And I'd say that if either of the above possibilities was correct, it's also reasonable to think that Tim's family might have been relatively happy to go along with the Omani govt's actions re cause of death: it's probably less traumatic to the family to have Tim's death labelled as a blood-loss accident than a drugs overdose. And I'd say it's also not an unreasonable possibility that the Omani govt made financial or other commitments to the family in return for supporting the position.

  6. I don't know how anyone could watch this and not consider the possibility he was taken out.

    1. Man, I just watched that video and there is no doubt he was taken out.

  7. @JohnL, Tim was mostly an alcoholic and prescription drug abuser. His involvement in human trafficking causes were well known. If I was going to speculate, I would say he went to Oman in part expecting help in his cause,and found possibly the people he trusted were really the enemy. Whether this leads to murder or suicide due to the despair of finding this out,who knows. But these stories keep repeating themselves. I also find it strange that All of these families focus on the suicide rather than the cause, specifically the child abuse they or someone they love endured. Without ending the cause the solution will not end.

  8. BS—as Brayson said in the original blind, how many people die via cutting their throat with a wine bottle? And to think that the family would go along with that theory rather than a drug OD? C’mon.

    1. They were probably scared for their own lives. I'm sure they know that he was taken out.

  9. How many insurance policy payouts are negated by suicide?

  10. They murdered him...

  11. Well, when you're mixing prescription drugs with booze, that'll do it. I don't think it was a suicide but I'm not sure it was murder, either. Guess we'll never know.
