Monday, September 16, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 4, 2019

Apparently "listener," is now an occupation, at least if you are the foreign born self-identified producer/writer/director/actress/philanthropist/author/ spouse of the foreign born A list dual threat actor who has a franchise.

Sophie Hunter/Benedict Cumberbatch


  1. Saw that he showed up at the event too. First time he's deigned to support her "work." I wonder if something's afoot.

  2. Sophie will participate as a listener to this "The Flourishing Diversity" listening session regarding indigenous land rights. Exciting!

    Sweet, White Guilt! 🤗

  3. Yeah. I saw a few comments about this event. The group's heart seems to be in the right place, but it seems very "Watch the 'exotics' put on a show."

    1. I think it makes them feel very compassionate. Almost like REAL people.

    2. It makes them seem like very paternalistic rich white fucks with white guilt, you mean.

  4. Lol I wonder if “I’m winking at you” is going to turn up and throw another shit fit

  5. Brayson, I wonder if white people have indigenous land rights to Europe? What will be the explanation as to why not, I wonder. Yay white guilt indeed.

  6. How long do people need to live in a land to get these rights?

    Is the current wave of subsidised immigration by gimmigrants a form of colonialism?

  7. @Astra, Sure the rich ones, kept land in their families for generations. The poor f*cking serfs can work the land or starve to death. Nobody hates white people more than other white people.

  8. So true, Brayson. You only have to look around this site and the rest of the internet to see loads of whites screeching for their destruction. Funny how they never just off themselves and instead want to exterminate other whites (the wrong ones, ie the poor ones).

    1. That IS rather a thing with these psychopathic "overpopulation" NPC's, isn't it?
      One always wonders, if they care so deeply, why do they not OFF themselves?
      Why must everyone ELSE die?

  9. I think my nerd is showing. When Monkeyweather talks about psychopathic "overpopulation" NPC's, all I can think of is "psychopathic Non Player Characters? What?"
