Saturday, September 07, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 27, 2019

Video Music Awards

This foreign born initialed stick singer said she is dreading promoting her upcoming movie with her A- list co-star in it, who she also hooked up with for a few months. She said it was the worst relationship and doesn't really want to see him again.

FKA Twigs/Shia LaBeouf


  1. Weird, you'd think dating him would be a truly enriching, life-expanding experience.

  2. She’s weird and so is he. Although she seems to be harmlessly weird, he seems to be insane and dangerous weird. I wonder why she can’t seem to ever close her mouth, it’s always hanging open in every pic of her I see. She’s quite pretty otherwise.

    1. Now that you mention it, R Patti son has been involved with TWO major mouthbreathers

  3. Nice to see he still has some acting chops despite all the crazy

  4. I can't be that his name be anymore without starting to hear the song "actual cannibal Shia LaBeouf"

  5. Just give me a new album Twigs.

  6. Well, she knew what she was getting into. Him being a complete C*** was hardly a secret.
