Thursday, September 12, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 26, 2019

The alliterate foreign born A-/B+ list singer quit her social media because she is tired of people coming on the platform to tell her of their experiences sleeping with her A/A- list actor boyfriend.

Jessie J/Channing Tatum


  1. Is that something women like to do to each other now?

    1. We're "empowered" now, so yeah, I think that's what we're doing now

  2. Why not quit the boyfriend?

  3. Bingo Aquagirl!!!

  4. He's a snake and how many men have said they slept with him.. I heard he's a switch hitter

  5. For as much female empowerment crap she tries to spew out, you would think she'd have enough self esteem to dump his ass and find someone who doesn't cheat?

  6. Yes, Brayson. If you believe there’s such a thing as women looking out for women, sisterhood, or any of that bullshit, I’ve got a bridge to sell you. Women LOVE twisting that knife.

    I’m surprised Jessie J is with a man, she seems very much like a lesbian to me. Like Pink, another one I’m astonished is with a man.

  7. I was just curious if it was now normal for adult women to go on social media and brag about f*cking someone else's man.

  8. Jesse came out as bi a couple of years ago

  9. Someone, my former judo teacher, said that when a person says they're bi, in reality they prefer their own kind.

  10. There is no normal any longer. So I’d say yeah, it probably happens an awful lot.

  11. rabbit, I would say that's true for men but bi women always seem to settle with men. Lesbians hate dating bi women too and are actually very mean to them. I know a lot of lesbians that outright say that they would never be with a bi woman.
