Monday, September 30, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 20, 2019

Even though she doesn't have that award you are supposed to have for entry, I told you they were considering her and she has finally been admitted. I mean, she is an A/A- list mostly movie actress that everyone knows, and The Club decided that was more important than whether she had been nominated or won an Oscar.

Megan Fox


  1. So does this club actually have meetings or even know each other or do they just have cross-dressing sons in common?

  2. Supposedly skirts and dresses were originally designed to make it easier for women to piss outside.

    1. It’s a reason I love wearing them and wear them most of the time. Gotta pee right now? Just pull up your skirt and let it go!

  3. LOL I know.... "this club" sounds nefarious but in reality it just sounds like some actresses who are promoting transgenderism through their young children.

    is their a ritual? or something else besides having a kid like that to join? is there a fee? I mean what makes it "the club" ....Bueler? Bueler? I feel like we have all asked this question numerous times. LOL

    1. They work for Satanists, and Satanists (Cabal) push "transgender".

      Everyone who thinks transgender is a good thing has already been propagandized to the point they no longer think independently. They just THINK they do.
      But media mind control victims will defend what they think are their own ideas and opinions with all their might.

    2. SOMEBODY's been brainwashed

    3. Lol oh my God I can't believe I didn't see it Of course satanists! You are insane and I don't understand how it's even really news let the kid wear what the kid wants to wear at that age it doesn't even necessarily mean anything other than they want to dress up all little kids do it and if they turn out to be trans. how does it affect you at all? Oh that's right it doesn't

  4. Club 33 @ Disneyland?

  5. Megan Fox is no where near A. B list at best.

  6. Good thing that kids dressed up in the other gender's clothes by wacked-out moms never grow up to be serial killers.

  7. Who cares..a mommy club for kids who wear dresses..yet Enty still protects pedos identity and out gay/HIV infected people ...your a big homophobe with an elitist agenda ....

    1. You are mentally compromised. And enty has drawn a lot of attention to the fact that child rape is common in Hollywood.

  8. Nobody Cares @ some shit club of gender benders.

  9. Trying to stay relative club.

  10. +1 James, I don't know about the earlier ones, but Megan Fox's son dressing up definitely seemed like a publicity stunt. The cool kids are always going to have wannabes at their heels. Potentially literally heels, what kind of footwear are these child cross-dressers wearing, sensible flats or stilettos? After all you don't need to run or play games when you look fabulous.

  11. kind of hard to be an exclusive club if you let someone like Megan Fox in... just saying

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. She probably gets credit for having all three boys dress as girls.

  14. Leave those kids alone. Ghoulish mommy club harpies will pay for all this later.

  15. So many transphobic comments here... what a shame.

    1. ∆ that right there is a media mind control victim.
      Five years from now the Satanists will be gone and this phenom will cease to exist as a controlled and pushed agenda.

    2. Monkeyweather- I agree with all of your comments 100%

  16. @Flavia, Well here's the question, are these boys just cross-dressing because it's fun to dress up and wear other clothes or are they actually transgender, they personally see themselves as girls trapped in boys' bodies?

    You tried to throw shade on intolerant people but only outed yourself as being insensitive.

  17. Fuck off Flavia.

    I agree with James. These people are using their own children as some sort of accessories and props for publicity and being on trend. With-it, cool celebrity parents, et all...pass the bucket.

  18. so do they do it on purpose? Do you think these moms encourage their sons to dress like little girls?

  19. @Brayson-- you touched on a topic that I've wondered about myself. Are these kids being led to transgenderism or are they arriving to it naturally? Is it a matter of just liking toys and such aimed at a specific gender or are they really identifying as transgender? I wonder about that, not because I have concerns about transgender children, but because I think kids should be allowed to like what they like without shame and decide for themselves the kind of person they want to be. Giving kids freedom to form their identities without judgement is different than, for example, throwing a bunch of dresses on a child that is biologically a boy and telling them to be non-conformist in an effort to push acceptance.

  20. She is the person styling her boy child's hair like a girl's. Is he even old enough to dictate the style of his hair?

  21. How is it that folks can claim Kristen Bell as B list or others and Megan after a few high profile movies AGES ago is A list on ANY level? She doe nada. She did Transformers and a few small films. EMMA WATSON would be on par with her body of work (Emma did MORE between HP and her other films) and yet she is called B list. HOW is Megan A list on any day EVER?

  22. Everyday people don't give a shit about transgender Hollywood anything. It's laughable these dopes think anyone actually pays real attention to anything they do

  23. And I agree--no way is Meg anything above B- list these days. BAG probably wishes it was so; that's as close as it gets

  24. I completely forgot to note that @Madame_ovary may be the single greatest commenter name ever!

  25. It’s a publicity stunt with Megan Fox. Does she even pretend to be all edgy and bi any more? Angelina Jolie I’m looking at you too.

  26. Megan Fox is C List at her best. I think enty elevates these celebrities to keep the tips rolling in. Quid pro quo.

  27. Megan Fox at one time was the hottest thing on the face of the earth.

  28. Of course this is a publicity stunt. These women are exploiting their children. The population of trannies is EXTREMELY low and no little kid knows their gender identity until they hit puberty. But these women have no problems exploiting their children and fucking them up mentally for the rest of their lives for some attention. Look at Angelina Jolie giving in to her daughter 'demanding' to be called John when she was what, four? 'She wouldn't answer otherwise!' It's a fucking four year old, are you kidding me?! How long wouldn't she answer for? Now that GIRL is growing up completely fucked in the head.

  29. Does enty have all you sheep belonging to his flat Earth club, too?

    You fools will fall for anything, taking his wild speculation as fact and demonizing anyone who counters that none of you have any insight or facts.

    Gasp! Parents supporting their children's individuality, the horror!

  30. Megan was and never has been A list.
