Friday, September 06, 2019

Four For Friday - “The Compound” - an Intercerebellar blind item

If you peruse the rooms-for-rent listings for the San Fernando Valley area on Craigslist, you might come across one of three properties. In each case they will promise a unique lifestyle in an environment filled with young artists, writers, musicians, and the like. The prices seem rather steep for what you get - even by California standards.

If you apply, and your application is accepted, you will be interviewed by the mother of a B+ list actress with a recognizable last name, one who gained fame over a decade ago for portraying a famous historical figure and has been typecast in similar roles ever since. This actress has largely distanced herself from her mother, for reasons that will become immediately clear.

To say that the mother’s elevator doesn’t go to the top floor would be an understatement. She is as crazy as she is cunning. Just for starters, she is a self-proclaimed anarchist who believes in reptilians, the flat earth, and denies the Holocaust. She has a long arrest record for disorderly conduct that includes disrupting meetings between world leaders.

Of course, most of her tenants don’t know about any of this. They are generally too busy getting high and/or drunk. Not that I blame them given the living conditions.

The main property, which serves as the center of operations, is a ramshackle compound off a major intersection in the San Fernando Valley surrounded by shacks and portable buildings. The place is infested with fleas, ticks, bed bugs, and roaches. Mentioning these infestations aloud will get you evicted. This property is host to a workaway program which houses its transients, many of whom are under 21, in unsafe and unhealthy conditions. Neighbors have long complained about the underage drinking and pot smoking that takes place.

All these matters are a surface distraction, however, from the more serious crime that’s gone on here. You see, the mother, being the anarchist she is, for years played host to the digital equivalent of the Manson Family. This inner circle engaged in vigilantism and hacking crimes against those they disliked, many of them successful people in the film and music industries, ruining lives and personal fortunes in the process. Our anarchist has also threatened to kill a successful film producer/entrepreneur after her daughter’s relationship with him ended.

Oh, and the money our anarchist is amassing from her overcharged tenants? They are at work building a semi-secret compound in a remote part of Mexico.


  1. I'll stay in the Bay Area but thanks.

  2. Two of the 3 things she believes in are true. So to mock her for knowing the truth screams this item as bullshit

  3. Of course Alf, of course.

  4. Tippi Hedren. Melanie Griffith's mother

  5. I can't help it, I have to ask. @Alf, which is the two things are correct: reptilians, being a flat earther, and/or a holocaust denier?

    1. He's talking about blue pill. So Holocaust denier for sure

  6. time for your bluepill sandyhook

  7. @Mydog - that is a great guess. For some reason, I was thinking Tori Spelling's mom.

  8. I was thinking Susan Sarandon becuse she had family in the business and a daughter, but I don't think she fills some of this BI. (The tin foil hat parts)

  9. there are no reptilians. Which holocaust are you referring too -the one from WWW2 or this one from WWW1 -

  10. No Alf you need to untighten your tin foil hat jackass. And find the replacement for 8chan. Because this isnt it.

  11. I doubt it's Tippi Hedren. She's an A actress in her own right. Perhaps "Aging back-in-the-day A+ actress."

  12. you can always tell a bluepilled moron. they get unhinged when confronted with the truth. Poor TDS suffering idiots under satan's spell. Erich Von Braun knew the truth-he left a message on his tombstone.

  13. Sh!t like that is where the "fruits and nuts" stereotype came from 😅

  14. Maybe Kiki Dunst's mama?

  15. Right clown right fuck the hell off you're a fucking idiot. You must be the hit of all the parties you go to, people all over the building rofltao at the room idiot.

    1. Overreact much...truth hurts but it's still the truth.
      God bless you.

  16. The San Fernando Valley is a large area that includes several cities, so this is really vague. California does have rental laws that are stricter than many other states. A renter cannot just be evicted for complaining about bugs, in fact if they complain to the right authorities, the place can be shut down for health reasons.

  17. See what I mean! The truth makes them go psycho.

  18. The actress is the daughter, not the crazy mother.

  19. Alf is Eddie Bravo, confirmed. LOOKINTOIT

  20. yeah guesser is right.

  21. What actress is typecast as an historical character? That should give it away.

  22. Kiki was already famous before she played Marie Antoinette, though.


    A$AP Rocky’s Swedish Lawyer Shot Multiple Times in Head and Chest Outside Apartment

  24. I dont think laughing hysterically at a complete idiot is psycho Alfie boy. And boy you are quite the laughable buffoon. You are on Hollywood and Vine holding up "The World Is Ending" sign too amirite?? Hopefully you don't go out in public spouting this crap and just do it online. (cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo). Enty please call the gentlemen in the white coats for poor abandoned Alfie.

    1. Actually you are the one being intolerant and disruptive in this thread. ffs let it go. If you don’t like Alf, ignore him. And ultimately, Enty gets to tell people what they can and cannot day on this site, not you. You come off as a bit fascist when you don’t like what others are posting. It’s weird.

    2. Why should sandy ignore him? He's doing a public service in shaming the bullshit posts Alf is spewing. Fucking pull it together and if you don't like someone calling out retarded bullshit then you could just scroll. Right?

  25. >This inner circle engaged in vigilantism and hacking crimes against those they disliked, many of them successful people in the film and music industries, ruining lives and personal fortunes in the process.

    I like them already!

  26. Wait Alf is the actress's mother in disguise!!! The "elevator doesn't go to the top floor" indeed for both the mother and this alt.

  27. Weak minded people are afraid to face the truth

  28. perhaps the successful people are pedophiles, they usually are right?

  29. Emily Mortimer, Helena Bonham Carter are typecasted. I have a list of places for rent


  31. It's doesn't say movies. A 10+ year old historical tv show that made a lot of people famous is The Tudors.

  32. This would make a fabulous screenplay for one of those 10-part series. Maybe it could run a couple of seasons; it sounds like there's enough material

  33. @Sarton, Well Sweden has certainly gone to sh!t lately.

  34. can't put the clues together at all, but it is definitely not tippi and melanie. it doesn't say mom's an actress, for one thing. sounds like the mother isn't even famous. the historical figure thing is stumping me.

  35. Michelle Williams once portryed Marilyn Monroe, if you consider that a historical figure and has played at least one queen..

  36. It's been well "over a decade" but
    Milla Jovovich played Joan of Arc in the Messenger.

  37. Sandybrook, I was thinking Michelle Williams also.

  38. Actress Natalie Dormer was Anne Boleyn in the Tudors and is always cast as historical characters. She dated director Anthony Byrne for years.

  39. Careful Enty- lest you offend a rather large number of your core group who pay your bills.
    They also believe in these very things.

  40. I usually find these wall-of-text things tldr, but this one's kinda fun. There were a lot of brit-centric history dramas around 2010 but with mostly A-listers (Mirren, Kniwhgtly, etc). Can't think of anything American that fits.

  41. Educate me on what the blue pill is. Do I need it? I have no prescriptions for anything but maybe I am missing out. Time to ditch the weed and go the little blue pill. Wait I thought that was viagra. FML. TGIF!!

    1. Go to Reddit, just search r/redpill you'll notice a theme. They're basically unfuckable Joe Rogan copies. They used it as a story arc in AHS: Cult Evan Peters was a pretty good example. I love conspiracy theories they're fun. I don't bring it up to troll and then say I am enlightened because I ate 5 grams 9f mushrooms "and saw through the machine" it's basically a shared psychosis. Very narcissistic, internet connection required.

    2. It's from the matrix...geez

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Hilary Swank? She got famous for that Brandon Tina biopic and always got typecast in "Non-feminine" roles, such as the boxing movie, amelia earheart movie.

    Her career stalled cause she could never get the part of a romantic lead or "pretty girl"

  44. Yeah, Galina seems like a nutcase who used to be beautiful and has been in and around a lot of things...and she barely escaped punishment by the KGB in the 70s...

  45. Natalie Dormer's characters on The Tudors and GOT were basically the same character. Maria Doyle Kennedy (familiar last name, but no relation, I don't think) also found her fame with the Tudors. Tazmin Merchant has also done a lot of period pieces and is in the new Amazon show with Orlando Bloom. I can't wait for the reveal on this one.

  46. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Alf, go back to 4chan where you belong, and stop bothering decent people.

  47. Like several people on this site...Alf is waiting for 8ch to come back up.
    Halfchan is a waste of brain cells, mostly populated by shareblue.

  48. @Thia, Tamzin Merchant is awesome, loved her on Salem.

  49. the jovavich guess is good, but she has been huge since the 90s, and if she is typecast for anything it would be resident evil, which is a game not a historical person, she is normally a sci-fi chick

  50. For those saying that reptilians are not real. Take a good look at Mark Zuckerberg then get back to me.

  51. Where is this place at? I want to move in!
    BTW: Jeffrey Epstein's private island was very clean. No pests or bugs anywhere. I never asked him about lizards or the flat earth. I can't tell you how I know. Ooop! I talk too much..... must hide.

  52. @Dane lol Bezos looks like a fucking android haha

    1. Haha mydogsmiles, good looking pup btw.

  53. AHS: Cult was amazing. I've watched it twice. One of the best stories in the anthology.

  54. I like the name Galina a lot.

  55. Hey Alf, you seem like a decent fellow. Too bad one can't DM people here. You got Reddit or KiK or some shit bruh?

  56. Lots of intolerance here from supposed tolerant and inclusive people. If you don’t like what Alf has to say, ignore him. You are coming off as intolerant bullies.

  57. Well... the digital Manson family would be Anonymous

  58. Don't worry, Sandy.

    Alf is one of many deranged, Trump-supporting lunatics who jumped onto this site when Enty started appealing to them for web clicks.

  59. @Alf
    Hope to see you then in other threads liek those who aren't # numbered then if not here

  60. Anonymous6:16 PM

    I think I might have found it? Go to SFV Craigslist and look up “DreamHatcher” or “Nexus.”

  61. Wow, such vitriol here. Sandybrook your reactions give you away dude--the ones who react with such anger and malice and name calling are always the ones who are closer to waking up.

    Tehbird, right on!

    Alf landon, what do you think about the information that we are living in a holographic reality? Also love your cool headed responses.

    This is why I stopped posting, the extreme intolerance and name-calling and superiority from the few here.


  62. BTW Alf, do you realize that the post itself is the usual mishmash of backwards and upside-down truth, mixed with half-truths and lies that the opposition always uses.
    But it's not working so well anymore is it?


  63. lightgirl -there is a lot of BS to deny the existence of GOD. like crediting CERN for the so-called "Mandela Effect" (mocking the nelSON MANdela) Joe Rogan is a shill just like ALex "Bill Hicks" Jones. This is a stupid celebrity gossip website and the truth is too deep for many of the posters. Yes, this post is designed to discredit the "flat earth' and "Deniers"

  64. The sun is white no longer yellow. Rosanne Connor is now Conner. Tom Cruise is now wearing a wrinkled pink shirt without raybans in Risky Business. The wolf now also lays down with the lamb in Isiah (not the lion). I can red pill all night.

  65. tehbird Thank you, but satanists cannot help themselves, Google AL Roker's reaction to hearing "Holy Ghost"

    1. Anonymous1:16 AM

      Alf, we must chat about all this stuff. I’m fairly active under the username Dolphoodle on Reddit if you are on there

  66. Anonymous7:44 PM

    May we now segue back to the actual puzzle? The dialogue here is going downhill every day, and is rarely on task.
    I assume this B+ actress is American since Enty did not say otherwise?

  67. Alf Landon - You win ..'moron of the week'..CONGRATULATIONS!

  68. @DarylBigFan,Amen. I thought someone would get this. Clues,B+Actress,typecast because of an historical character she played. A Last name we would know,meaning apart from her full name. The mother is supposed to have been arrested prior.Also interrupted a meeting of world leaders. This should be easy, but probably a red herring somewhere in this.daughter also had a relationship with a famous producer, and Mom threatened to kill him. Probably American,but not certain.Any new guesses?

  69. drew barrymores mom? But I don't remember drew playing a historical figure.

  70. This "blind" sounds more like disgruntled vengeance and less like an actual "blind"
    Author: you sore about something? Cuz it sure seems like this is a personal attack from you against this woman, whoever she is.

  71. A (((Denier))) huh? - Epstein, Polanski, Woody Allen, Weinstein. etc. etc.
    There was one called Holodomor.

  72. I wonder if this is it:

  73. Ashley Judd / Naomi Judd

  74. Vanessa Redgrave. Daughter Joely Richardson

  75. I found this list maybe somebody will stand out. I checked kate winslet and keira knightley and it's a no go.


  77. I don't think Joely R or Ashley got famous a tad over then years ago for a historical role though.

  78. I think this points more toward a supporting actress, rather than a leading lady.

    I feel like this should be an easy guess, but all I can think of are UK based.

    The mother sounds like she could be medicating for bipolar or schizophrenia. Very able mind + conspiracy theories + pot & alcohol = usually equals mental health issues.

  79. @Thia, your listing has been deleted.
    For those of you who cry chan this or that (don't visit those sites myself), remember that that the village idiot has wisdom we may not recognise or understand.

  80. What about Laura Linney? She played Abigail Adams in the John Adams miniseries, then voiced her in another project. Later, she played
    Sullenberger's wife. I think her mom is an LVN, which doesn't really lend itself to tin foil fabricant de chapeau, but it is different name.

  81. Enough with the politics & insults, people!

    So, the last name is distinctive, so I don’t think it Could be Michelle Williams.... who else?

  82. Natalie Dorman is Jewish, so is Candy Spieling..doubt they deny the Holocaust

  83. Interesting that the listing was deleted.

  84. It looks like the author deleted and reposted an identical listing.

    If it gets deleted, go to
    and then search for "Nexus".

  85. The blind is fun but the comments are strange.

  86. I think the actress might be Jaime Murray, who fell into the
    scifi-fantasy vortex, mostly playing villains and antagonists.

    2010-2014 played the female H.G. Wells in Warehouse 13,
    sometimes ally and sometimes foe of the rest of the cast.

    Followed by:
    Gaia in Spartacus: Gods of the Arena
    The cunning and ambitious alien, Stahma Tarr, in Defiance
    Fiona The Black Fairy in Once Upon a Time
    Vampire Antoinette in The Originals
    Carmilla Pines in Sleepy Hollow, forcibly turned into a demon
    Currently villain Nyssa al Ghul in Gotham.

  87. For the rest of the story...

  88. Any guesses for the producer who was threatened?. See part 2 Sept20 Today's Blind item.
