Friday, September 13, 2019

Four For Friday - The Mystery

The other day, someone reached out and asked me about the death of an author. I hadn't thought about the author in several years. The author died under very strange circumstances. The thing is though, the cause of death was never disclosed. People were waiting for it because there were some questions about how she died and if this A list mogul/wannabe rapper was behind it. He wasn't. One of the reasons he had nothing to do with it was the author had characterized him in the book as, umm manly, which he really liked because the truth is far from that. Stories flooded the media that the author was unstable and a drug addict and had mental issues. This version of events became golden and people just moved on. They stopped asking the tough questions because they had been given the answers they thought they needed. No one was ever given any answers. One of the reasons for that was the person she was sleeping with was a married man who had a ton of money and connections everywhere and with everyone. Our author was talking about confronting the wife of her lover because the author thought that the wealthy man was treating the author poorly, which he was. Apparently this wealthy man decided to kill her. From the beginning, the police knew who did it, but were stalling until they got orders from someone higher up the food chain. This was a very powerful person. Then, the wealthy man died. When he died, everyone just decided that keeping things quiet was the way to go and so they have stayed quiet about it ever since.


  1. if you say so, another drug death helped along by a vengeful very rich person. How many is that now this year Entern?

    1. Itsa bakers dozen rn.
      But I really just clicked on
      (1) to give it a view
      (2)to read follow-ups to see how deep this can go.

      Don't disappoint CDAN!

  2. So mogul/wannabe rapper means P. Diddy

  3. jay z and Cathy white

    1. Yeah she was the first to write about the Illuminati connection. That would be enough for him to off you. He's creepy and petty. Erica Kennedy fits as well as the death has never been revealed.

    2. How could you call Jay-Z wannabe rapper?

      I'd say it'd be Puffy...or Dirty if you will. Father of P Diddy mini, P poofy bite size and puff a diddy diddy puff puff pun size.

  4. Maya Angelou or Chaucer.

  5. David Koch for the wealthy guy?

  6. Cathy White and Jay Z

  7. The only person I could find that this could apply to was a write named Erica Kennedy who wrote a book called "Bling", a "satirical roman-a-clef" about the hip-hop industry. Died in a hotel room age 42 in 2012.

  8. The mogul is diddy for sure.

  9. Anonymous10:49 AM

    "Becky with the good hair" Cathy White.

  10. MD - great guess with Koch. +1

  11. Bling was about Diddy not Jay Z. Very very good read, by the way.

  12. Jay Z is not a “wanna be” rapper. It’s definitely Diddy

  13. I was thinking Koch or Ailes for Richy Rich.

  14. Interesting article. Harvey bought the rights to Bling.

  15. P. Diddy has never been married. The Mystery refers to the rich guy's wife.

  16. Some adulterous whore dies before she can spill the beans to the spouse of the married man she's f*cking, who could have seen it coming? In other countries they would have stoned her to death.

  17. Russel Simmons for the wealthy guy if it's Erika Kennedy.

  18. Diddy the Mogul/Wannabee
    Kennedy the author
    The rich guy?

  19. @J

    I'm going for Ezra Pound or maybe Madame Sevigne.

  20. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Yeah sorry it's Erika Kennedy, Diddy and Simmons.
    I hope I live long enough to see the downfall of these people and that included Jay-Z and Beyoncé.

  21. I don't know.... if the mogul/wannabe rapper is black, wouldn't that mean he would immediately NOT get a pass? Isn't that how our justice system works now/then?

  22. Anonymous1:09 PM

    David Koch, lol. Fucking 4channers.

  23. Wealthy man can't be Simmons....he's still alive.
    Erica Kennedy was maid of honor at Russell Simmons wedding because she was friend of Kimora....but they split in 2009 and Erica was killed in 2012.

    Wealthy man is someone else...who is dead.

  24. It can't be Diddy because Diddy was so very heartbroken when Erika Kennedy died. Didn't you see the photos of him at the funeral standing alone beside a pond away from procession looking forlorn? Plus he's a family man. Diddy quickly scooped up his progeny to protect them from the emotional onslaught due to loss of a loved one.

    Plus Diddy is an ardent Trump supporter so it can't be him.

    Come on ya'll!

  25. Erica Kennedy's cause of death is suicide.

    - Miami Dade County Medical Examiner's report online

    enter, in order: Johnson, Kennedy, Erica, 06/13/12

  26. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Fooling around w/ married people, very very dangerous.

  27. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Simmons would have loved being portrayed as effeminate or gay because he is in fact a straight rapist (alleged).
    The rich guy could have been anybody. Kennedy was apparently upper class or upper class adjacent all her life. She went to the best schools. Her mother was an interior designer so that could have been her connection. Rich people love to elevate the children of "the help" especially if they are POC.
    Wikipedia said that Prince kind of got her started as a writer by requesting she interview him, but I don't know that he would be described as "rich guy". IDK but Simmons and Kennedy sound like 2 of the 3 puzzle pieces. Diddy not involved. It's an interesting story. Sad she was only in her early 40s.

  28. Yesterday in response to one of the blind items about Gwyneth Paltrow I used as a source a webpage from my Usenet group alt.gossip.celebrities. The page was done in 1998 and was dedicated to all of the reasons our group disliked her. At the bottom of the page was an article written by Erica Kennedy for the NY Daily News. We started an email friendship and she sent me a copy of her book “Bling” when it came out. BTW, it got wonderful reviews. Then in 2012 someone sent me a message that she had died and all indications pointed to Puffy having a hand in it. After all of the “suicides” that have been written about here lately I asked Enty if he had any information or could find any information. My interaction with her was that she was a lovely person and I’m saddened that she was “murdered” and that she had made the wrong choice to love someone who was married.

  29. All this info on Ms. Kennedy is very interesting--I had never heard of her; I just googled some phrases until I found her and it seems she does fit the blind.

    And if we've learned anything here, it's that many times death is not what it seems or what is reported. Especially with suicide, or, if you will, "suicide"

  30. Diddy,is always called a wannabe rapper here,a dozen times at least. He was portrayed as manly in the book, when he is not. He is not the killer or the one who had the affair. Russel Simmons,maybe? A lot of these deaths need to be looked into again.

  31. Rupert Murdoch for the wealthy guy?

  32. good to see you here agcblinditems

  33. @Brayson87 "In other countries they would have stoned her to death."

    The same countries that are supported and defended by our dear tolerant Neo-dems, who'd like to introduce more of their citizens to our evil racist one.

    Vive le feminism!
