Friday, September 13, 2019

Your Turn

Are you superstitious about Friday the 13th?


  1. Cool stuff happens every single day.

  2. BUT - there IS a full moon tonight. O Lord, be with the nurses in the hospitals - I believe in the full moon after 45 years in the profession!!

    1. I worked in a sheriffs dept dispatch for 13 years. The full moon is real and its total crazy

  3. Only when my boss is in the office

  4. Normally it's a lucky day for me, but this Fri 13th has a dark vibe to it. It's probably the full moon, my luck is always sh!t on full mooons, like an anti-werewolf or something.

    @Humor, It's not just the ER. I can usually tell if there's going to be a full moon by how people drive, I don't even need to look it up. Can also tell holidays too.

  5. I'm not a Knights Templar so I have no reason to be.

  6. I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.

  7. No. I actually have 2 nephews who were born on
    Friday the 13th (different months), so it’s often a fun day.

  8. No, but I agree with Humor Me that a full moon brings out the crazy in people. Emergency services can attest to this.

  9. No, Monday the 13th is actually worse.

  10. Typically no, but as mentioned above, in combo with full moon, im a bit leery.

  11. Friday is Friday, I'll take what I can get

    KB- LOL!!

  12. HAHAHA @KB!!! I met my hubby on a Friday the 13th.

  13. Only if I'm having premarital sex or smoking a joint at an abandoned house, on love themed holidays, at summer camps, or in a graveyard with my punk rocker friends and Linnea Quigley.

  14. After yesterday's shitshow, today was calm by comparison.

  15. @Aquagirl: It's my brother's birthday today and he was born on a Friday the 13th. It's supposed to be a lucky day for him now, but I always say it proves it's unlucky for me, since I never asked for a sibling. ;)

  16. Police stats show, there receive more call and more crimes are committed on Friday the 13th and full moons, uh, oh.

  17. @Mooshki: 😅. My nephews were born in August & November. I’ll have to ask them about the luck part. I know 2 people who were born on 9/11, so nothing’s worse than that.

  18. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Nope... I ignore most "holidays" too . Stuff forced on humanity. So ridiculous.

  19. Anonymous2:58 PM

    As a special ed teacher, I can tell you Friday the13th isn’t as bad as a full moon. Full moons mess with people’s sleep patterns. I always have more behavior issues on full moons. Today was no exception.

  20. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Nope... I ignore most "holidays" too . Stuff forced on humanity. So ridiculous.

  21. No, quite the reverse , I always have good luck on Friday 13th, on Full Moons too. Not a superstition for me , but a fact.

  22. In my experience, total crazy when working at the hospital on Friday the 13th.

  23. Only in the sense that it's supposed to be a good/lucky day, and usually it is but today sucked for me.

  24. No. and the years have taught me that every day brings the prospect of joy or sorrow.
    I do love a full moon and the warm, gentle breeze on a late October night in Key West. This is joy.

  25. Another health professional able to attest to the rampant chaos in ER departments on nights with a full moon.
    Magnified if there are accompanying high winds. Absolute bedlam.
    Our forebears called it as they saw it with "lunacy".

    Friday the 13th? I'll often buy a lottery ticket.
