Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Blind Item #10

One of the men arrested today in that national news making stuff is one of the John Does in the billionaire pedophile case.


  1. One of the dudes being arrested for Ukraine stuff?

  2. Arrested for campaign finance law violations and associated with Giuliani?

    1. +1 MD. Also-golfer /member of South Florida club (Palm Beach)

    2. Yup Tricia Saw that he was from south Florida. Nuff said.

  3. Epstein was like the Domino's of pedos, delivery would be 13 years or less.

  4. someone associated with good old Rudy got caught today--don't know who or what he is.

  5. David Correia is a great guess, MD. The Ukrainian guys are totally tied into Felix Sater. They were all on the same payroll. Seth Abramson did a quick connect the dots with that Russian billionaire and Lev/Igor/Giuliani's company and their North Carolina offices. WHat was it called? Oh, yeah: Fraud Guarantee.

  6. Makes sense, pedos apparently aren't allowed to be charged with their real crimes so authorities catch them with other stuff.

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  8. That dude Correia lives in New Mexico. Could this blow the lid on Zorro Ranch ???

  9. deleted because I had it wrong, he was turning himself in when he was arrested.

  10. Oh I thought this was the Tarzan wife murder. (Ron Ely)

    1. Yeah, what the hell was that all about? Very strange.

  11. @MyDog
    The NM David Correia is a different guy - a professor at UNM and is only about 40ish.
    The one who was arrested is a lot older...a mover and shaker into all kinds of shit.

    ...and Seth Abramson is living in fantasyland. This doesn't work out at all like the left thinks it will....

  12. Was it that South Korea Bitcoin funded Darkweb child porn site bust announced today?

  13. A global pedo ring was busted today with over a quarter million videos on their server

  14. @MeliticusBee Thanks for clarifying that for me !!!

  15. @Half Domer, Well that's what Bitcoin was meant for after all.

  16. Everyone that was part of that pedo ring should be executed. But first tortured extensively. Let me do it. Death is too good for child predators. I would truly enjoy making them suffer. I’m really considering starting a political movement- Death penalty for pedophiles and child abusers. This shit HAS TO STOP.

    1. I’m on board! 👍🏼

    2. excellent idea and should be Federal execution like Mcveigh. Hope the laws change soon.


    Michael m White of Florida. His charges seem to fit with Epstein.

  18. I knew that eventually you would say something I agree with, @Astra Worthington. You're exactly right about pedos and child abusers. And I volunteer for the "making tiny cuts all over the pedo's body and dipping them in lemon juice before rolling them in salt" portion of the torture proceedings. You know, with a "bury them in an anthill and watch as the ants eat the pedo alive over an extended period of time" chaser.

  19. Wait, is this the non-existent international pedo ring the paranoid conspiracy theorists made up?

  20. They could crucify the pedos and their enablers live at halftime on Monday Night Football like George Carlin said should happen to the bankers who launder the drug money.. Shit would stop quick!

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  22. I’ll bring the ants. Lots of fire ants here, finally they could earn their keep and be a valued member of the team. We also have gators and many poisonous snakes, and I’ve heard of scorpions nearby. All of God’s creatures can help us eradicate the only one of His creatures without a purpose...the pedophile.

  23. Wow, if you folks are into torturing or murdering people then just go out and do it, you don't need some righteous excuse or convenient targets to seek your sick pleasures. You're never going to do anything worse to pedos than what they've already done, you're not going to steal their innocence or return it to their victims.

    My plan is simple and humane. Just put them in boring solitary cells. The true torture would be them not being able to satiate their deviant desires for the rest of their lives, as their brains continue to decay.

  24. Not into that at all. Have never hurt anyone and have no desire to do so. Other than to destroy child sexual abusers as thoroughly as they’ve destroyed the lives and psyches of innocent children. Sitting in a cell is too good for them. They should be tortured and executed in front of their victim, so that their victim knows they can never hurt them or anyone else again. I cannot fathom anything other than the death of the abuser, could truly allow the victim to heal. But I am lucky, I was sheltered and protected as a child and never suffered abuse. It may be different for survivors. Either way there is no justice in forcing law abiding people to foot the bills for these demons, until they drop dead and the devil gets them.

    I read the DM article. These people were sexually abusing NEWBORN BABIES. Something that would do that needs to be sent back to Hell as quickly as possible, with as much suffering as possible. There is no amount of torture that is enough for someone that would abuse a NEWBORN BABY (all abuse is horrendous but anyone that has has children understands how precious, tiny and utterly helpless a newborn is). My stomach is churning even writing those words. Imagine the horror that innocent baby felt. Not even understanding what was happening. Whatever it makes me, I want anyone that does something like that, to suffer unimaginable agony.

  25. The way it's all set up these days if you caught a ped in the act and tortured him/her you would be the monster, not the ped. That's how f*cking SICK society is today.

    Those defending peds should have their faces punched in until they STFU!

  26. I’m not “into torturing or murdering people” - I’ve never physically hurt anyone. I catch and release spiders, ffs!
    I’d be on board with pedos rotting away in a solitary jail cell for the rest of their miserable lives, but that’s never what happens, is it? So there’s just a certain frustration level that results from the injustice of these predators ‘getting away with’ ruining an innocent child’s life. What you’re seeing is just the expression of that frustration. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    1. I don’t mean to speak for anyone else. Just expressing my own thoughts on the matter.

  27. Venting is totally understandable, pedos are the worst of humanity. I was all death penalty for pedos, but in the real world it's a legal nightmare to try to see through to the end, takes forever, plus I think a life sentence of solitary confinement with no parole is worse than a quick death.
    Torture is never a good act, nobody ever walks away from doing that with clean hands. Necessary sometimes maybe, but it's never justice. And if you enjoy doing it, that is sadistic. And deriving pleasure from other people's pain is exactly what pedos and rapists themselves do.

  28. No, I totally agree. I’d never seriously condone torturing anyone, no matter how depraved their own acts. Two wrongs, and all that. (I’d like to think we’re all just messing around here on this site.) But I’d sure like to see us enact much stiffer penalties for these sickening crimes. A slap on the wrist will never stop these predators. A life sentence of solitary confinement is just the thing. Let’s get that on!

  29. Load them onto a C130 put of Homestead. Tell them they’re going to Git,o. Open the cargo door half-way there. Let them feel the fear and then they die.

  30. The solution is easier than us having to torture them.. I know if I ever walked in on anyone molesting a child I would act first then think second.. Probably by picking up the nearest heavy object and knocking them out, and probably going for a knife in the kitchen, and literally hacking off their genitals.. BUT, the easiest solution is sentence them to prison, and make sure they're incarcerated WITHOUT protection in mainstream "never to be released" max security prisons, and make sure the inmates know what they've done. Let them live in fear and despair until one of the inmates knocks them off. Even the worst criminals despise assholes who interfere with children..

  31. @Town Pump, I definitely think more resources should be put into pedo investigations and to hell with these prosecutors who don't want to pursue a court case or give pedos sweetheart plea deals. They're always like "think of a court case and the child's well being." Uh I think that ship already sailed when they got molested, why don't we think about next potential victim or dozen victims that could be prevented by getting the pedo a real prison sentence.

  32. @appreciative, That works in theory, but these guys could get protection with money or because they're already affiliated with some group in the system. Then they're able to walk around and interact with people without fear, maybe even continue hurting people.

  33. Anonymous3:47 PM

    @Brayson inmates hate rapists and child molesters. There's isn't enough protection money to keep them safe.

  34. Child rapists aren’t people. They are demons in human skin. Destroying them is literally doing the Lord’s work. I’m not religious but what else could it truly be?

  35. @Brayson-Astra. I will also volunteer for the punishment squad, let me go collect some Gympie Gympie leaves and I'll be right with you.

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  37. Let's not forget the final step in this discourse. Let's accuse everybody we can't stand of being a child rapist or connected with child rapists or a whole trafficking ring. We don't view them as humans anyway, so, while we're doing zilch against actual pedophilia, let's spend some time on a gossip website that will write that every person that we want so much to hate is involved in such business, and we'll spread the word around, because the guy who introduced us to Dancing Boy has published a blind item on the latest celebrity who, coincidentally, said something negative about Trump.

    "Evidence", "investigation", "questionable sources"? What are you saying? Sure, you must be one of those pedo enablers, or you're directly paid by David Geffen.

  38. Is it one of the guys mentioned in this article?

  39. My 2¢ is that they need to die. If they are alive there is still the *possibility* to cause harm. Whether by accidental parole, or followers on the outside.… Until they are dead, their criminal mindset is still in play.

  40. I propose a new "pedo island". With only convicted pedos, no kids, guarded by shark infested waters, and ex vets with a great wage.

  41. @starryisland, I agree! Might I add those on the island would have limited food and fresh water. They'd have to fight to survive. After all, their victims have to fight for a normal life.

  42. @ Brayson87: Totally. I think that it could be empowering, and hopefully even healing, for the victims to see the crimes against them being taken seriously. To see their abuser being punished for what they’ve done. To know it’s not their fault, but that they were victims of a criminal act.
    There is no cure for this sickness, so it’s up to “the justice system” to ensure that, once someone victimizes a child in this way, they are never given the opportunity to do so again. It sickens me that this isn’t the case.
    I like the ‘lock them up and throw away the key’ solution best, as I’ve never been a fan of violence myself. But I can certainly see why others would want to take a more severe approach. Either way, we have to get more serious about punishment, that much is heartbreakingly clear.

    I don’t know if you’ll even see this, but if you do, thanks for the conversation. 👍🏼

  43. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Starry-eyed Thank You I have been saying we need "Pedo Island" for years now. That's really the only solution. Complete isolation from the normal world.
    They are never going to stop offending. They are also gaining ground by latching on to LGBTQ+ as part of the + and gays are too stupid to tell them to go to Hell.
    Mayor Pete's husband when asked to comment on the statement "Love Has No Age". He answered that it was a very deep question that would take a lot of thinking over...maybe a long car ride. Seriously. This is how close we are to Pedo acceptance in the gay community in 2019 after most of us older gays have spent our entire lives denying we were youth attracted. We are no more youth attracted than heterosexuals but we are allowing and accepting pedophilia as part of our "rainbow".

  44. Sort of off topic, I am late to the Isaac Kappy party and recently fell down that rabbit hole. Has anyone recently watched the Brackets and Jackets youtube? Relate it to the happenings since his death. It is verrrrrry creeeeepy.....

    "Epstein is the cornerstone, pull that and it all falls down" said before Epstein got arrested.
