Thursday, October 17, 2019

Blind Item #10

It looks like the royal married to the man closer to the throne discovered who has been leaking to the other side so to speak, and fired them.


  1. Did she let someone else go now? She really inspires loyalty.

  2. Kate actually went to the trouble of learning all the royal protocol, also had a massive onslaught of press criticism (Waity Katie, etc.) and damn...always looks en pointe. Beautiful woman and mom. Carries herself with effortless class at this stage. That other one though. Oy vey. At least get your sex tapes scrubbed from the interwebs, especially with a crinche worthy belly piecing swinging about happily.

    1. Agreed, Kate hasn't put a foot wrong in 18 year's. None of her friends, or Wm's have leaked or sold stories.

      So typical of the Harkles to try & upstage Wm & Kate on their successful Pakistan tour. Their tween fan girls are writing hideous comments online, a lot of the comments are from brand new accounts/bots too. Then Hapless pretends to cry at the Wellchild Awards. He didn't cry at all. He actually glanced to his left towards the audience, (maybe saw MM) during his speech just as he was reminiscing about the previous year when they'd just found out MM was "pregnant" & laughed, panicked & realised where he was & just how inappropriate it was so tried to cover it up by pretending to be overcome by emotion. I think he was laughing at how the 2 of them think they've tricked the World about that pregnancy & how clever they've been. Cannot wait till some publication, it'll probably be a European one, French or Italian publish everything they've got on MM, & i've no doubt they've got plenty of material to choose from. I cannot believe no-one has done it already

      Also, they've named their "charity foundation" Chair, Kirsty Jackson Jones - Kirsty Young - ex-newsreader & wife of Nick Jones - founder of .... Soho House 🤔😏 I remember Kirsty when she read the Scottish lunchtime news on a local TV channel 🤭🤭 she's another who's climbed the social ladder by using men. Some feminist 🙄

    2. Those Harkle bots are all purchased. Iger should demand an accounting of his Disney Lion King check.

  3. Gee, what are you so afraid of being known Kate?

    1. Why the fuck would you keep on staff someone leaking anything? Do you think the royals don't have nondisclosure agreements?

  4. @Sophia S
    I saw the sex video on Celebjihad and I wonder if that really is Smirkle. She made the most bizarre whining sounds. Her facial expressions were so robotic, too. Maybe she is a terrible porn actress and I haven't seen much porn in my life, but it seemed odd. That dangling belly piercing jewelry was so tacky.

  5. If you really want to strike back at Markle, fire her cooks.

  6. So this confirms the rumor that Wills was cheating with Rose if the info came from Kate's assitant before she was fired?

  7. @JP... no it doesnt actually confirm that ,its more likely that to discover the leaker false information was leaked to individuals to smoke out the leaker.. obviously something like that was believable enough and juicy enough the rat would share it.seems to have worked, the false information was shared and then she knew who it was

  8. holy shit is that video real? because i thought meghan had petite boobs, the ones in the video were swinging to and fro

  9. The cheating w Rose rumors have been out there for months. Enty said in the first post that the gossip from MM took months to come out (6 months?) Presuming she was fired immediately, the red herring to smoke out the leaker would have to be some new tidbit that dropped in the last couple weeks (around the time of the wedding) about something that happened 6 months ago. When did the rumor start that they had separated for a while?

    1. The first blind could just as well been about Charles and Camilla, who hasn’t been her usual jovial self for quite some while.

  10. Replies
    1. So they make robots who get fat now?

  11. Nuttyflavor's blog refers to this DM article
    Sophie Agnew was fired upon her return from her honeymoon

  12. Once again, for future reference, is there anyone besides Will and Kate up there on that pedestal?

    1. They’ve only arrived there recently thanks to the Sussexes being such a messy mess. Before that they were considered snooty and lazy.

  13. Leaking to is an improvement versus leaking on.

    Someone's climbing the ladder.

  14. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Catherine, firing Sophie .
    Long term trusted assistant. I believe she started in 2012. Sophie used to carry the hat boxes... fun jobs like that.
    Sophie was a turncoat apparently.

  15. Sophia S, social climbing Kate and her mother were training from birth to emulate RF mediocrity, of course she's better at it.

  16. It looks like a certain enty is as thirsty as a certain aliterate yacht ho failed actress, accepted an offer to broadcast Maggot Markle’s lies for pay. Maggot’s Canadian crony admitted making the Rose story up.

  17. So is that the story being spread by the household chattel and besuited pen-pushers,those small, insignificant reptiles who toil for the Lizards of Windsor, about how come motherteresa/ Kate canned her employee?

  18. I made a big effort to understand how those porn videos work and after watching "Emma Watson" diddle herself with a giant contraption on her bed in her room (as she does), I realized I could see the line where the face is imposed.

    That is NOT Smarkle in the porn video - indeed the body is different in many ways - though it IS her face (taken from many angles/shows/footage) and pasted on much better than in the Emma Watson one was (improved tech).

    No, it's not Meghan but there may be genuine ones out there that are - they are likely to be far less professionally lit.

  19. Hey @ Hunter: idk. Seems like it could be Meghan in her ‘Deal Or No Deal’ implant days.

    I’ve never seen ‘Emma Watson’, but I would find your description hard to believe that it was the real EM. OTOH, MM is capable of anything, given what we do know about her. I think she should divorce Harry & marry Jussie Smollett. They could live a life of lies together.

    1. Plus she could finally be with a guy who wasn’t ‘pale and stale’.

  20. I don't think it is Markle in the video either. I am overly cautious about it.

    If I was Markle's PR people, I would pay for, and release a few deep fakes, and make it a popular trend on these websites. It then would be easy for her to then be able to say that she is in the public eye, and for her to "shrug" it all off, as the price of fame. Like the Emma Watson porn video.

    If a few of these are strongly declared real and then outed as fakes, then she has basis for an easy reply to any question about porn videos from here on. Because the reputation will become that they are all fake. It will be a "thing."

    I think it is likely that she has several real ones out there. Provenance might be helpful then, to determine the real video.

  21. Guy's its not Markle in the Celeb Jihad video.. The nips don't match her topless beach holiday photos. I have implants, and your nipples don't COMPLETELY change shape and colour from just having them done, even if you have keyhole implants.

  22. @Snuggz Bear: Yes, "tacky as hell" is an extremely apt description of that belly piercing!!!

    @Parade: I agree, it was very "premeditated" social climbing etc....but at least all the practice/training paid off. She sure seems to play the role well now, especially compared to MM.

    @Aquagirl: I also thought it looked like her from her younger years. Perhaps it was so well/professionally-lit because she couldn't find any acting gigs and considered going into porn?
    I just don't know how Chucky kept his hard on with those annoying sounds she was making. Yikes.

  23. Wills wouldn't cheat on Kate, that's pure spite from the Sussex camp.

  24. Evidently Sophie was receiving monetary rewards and gifts as "thank yous" from Harry's wife when she came up with something to use. I imagine that MM can make some people feel very special indeed.

  25. She dated a porn star for quite awhile

  26. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I see there's a documentary on itv this weekend about the Africa trip.I'm sure it will include the walk thru a parking lot, that was setup to resemble a live mine field. Those two will try anything.
    If challenged, Henry will pull up a few tears... and say that the memory of Diana made him do it.

  27. Anonymous1:26 PM

    This is about Sophie Agnew being fired for leaking "private Cambridge family information" to Smirkle. William is known for testing acquaintances with fake tidbits to see if they will pass it along. I'm betting Sophie was smoked out with this tactic. Smirkle needs to live her best life and quit worrying about what the in laws are doing.

    1. She is/doesn't. Only in rabid gossip site haters' minds does she.

  28. I doubt it's Markle in the sex tape.

    The woman on the tape has monotone skin, I could only see one freckle on her left tit & it didn't match the actual prior nude of Markle who's covered in them, but not in that specific place.

    Making your own fakes is clever.

  29. Looks like Megan Marbles is being sent packing to the US for six weeks.... please, send her to Mars instead...

  30. @lorkhan the woman on the tape has bigger boobs & different nipples than Marbles.... also... I heard... from a credible source... that the lawsuit was timed along with the release of this FAKE tape because there is a real one out there & they hoped to get people knowing this one was fake so they wouldn’t even look at the next one....

  31. @Brayson... Kate & Wills are respected because they have earned & maintained the public’s respect. Marbles is in the gutter because she is a Beyoncé wannabe who screwed her way to the top. I know you love Marbles & that’s okay. At least she has you.
