Thursday, October 03, 2019

Blind Item #1

The only reason this A list mostly movie actress isn't thinking about marriage is because the only men she hooks up with are all married, so it would be pretty tough to marry them.


  1. Sienna Miller?

    She's hooked up with enough married men to be on this level of hoeing.

  2. Yyeah, Jolie and the stories yesterday about how she will never marry again.

  3. Hahaha +1 Tricia. Except she does try to marry them after she lures them in with her....honeypot?

  4. I agree, something that she felt pressured by Brad to marry, and doesn't want to do it again

  5. Yeah could we get some more specifics, that's a lot of people, any way to narrow the field?

    Hey if they hit the couch with married men, they're not just whores, they're adulteresses too, never though about that.

  6. I said the same thing yesterday in response to her "not getting married again" It's because she can't steal husbands anymore. She has no co-lead actors to go after, e.g., Pitt, Thornton, Hawke, Banderas, Miller, Jagger, Hutton, Farrell and more. I think she believed that the more children she gatherd in the shortest period of time would save her from the maneater rep she had and I think Pitt divorced her because his giant ego wouldn't let him stay married to someone known as a man-stealing whore.

  7. Cheeky considering she regularly has a gob full of slobbery Billy Bob knob.

  8. You forgot to mention her colour.

  9. Here it comes again the hate for jolie. Saw that"news" yesterday. So it's not even a blind

  10. No hate, I just think she’s a massive wang. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  11. So much hate for Angie but nary a reprimand for the married men. Adultery is just a one-way thing?
