Friday, October 04, 2019

Blind Item #2

This closeted foreign born former A- list tween star turned B- list adult star could use a shot of publicity which is why he is happy to be tied to a female version of himself, minus the closeted part.


  1. Miley and that dude

  2. +1 Miley/ Cody Simpson
    I thought I woke up in 2009 for a minute...

  3. Im not sure who this is. I only know Cody Simpson from dating gigi and being on DWTS. He performed on there once, too. I didn't see the appeal, he was trying too hard for that too cool for the room vibe.

  4. Damn Miley you so crazy

  5. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Miley is going to pressure that Cody guy into coming out with all the gender-fluid pansexual stuff which will be a killer for his career. Just another one left in the dust along the way by Miley. Hopefully he knows better. Although if he's actually gay and closeted it could be a distraction enough to get him some good publicity and take attention away from just being a plain ol' gay, which seems to no longer have any special status attached to it.

  6. If Cody cant get work he can always get big money doing gay porn. He looks like every, single one of those guys and maybe he can act a bit.

  7. Did he even have a career? Never heard one song of his, but I did see a Cody Simpson purse in a Goodwill like 5 or so years ago. Neither me or my husband knew who the fuck he was. And that’s still all I know him from. Being on a cheaply made purse made for tweens. Glad to see he’s still making poor choices!

  8. Haha, wannabes, nobody's got an a$$ like Bieber, just ask Usher.

    1. he was at Bieber's wedding @@brayson.

  9. I saw him in concert with Bieber when he was getting started and actually met him in person. Nothing exciting. Poor broken nose of his though. His music's not bad, he just had an album come out a little while ago

  10. "MissDavie said...
    Miley is going to pressure that Cody guy into coming out with all the gender-fluid pansexual stuff which will be a killer for his career. Just another one left in the dust along the way by Miley. Hopefully he knows better. Although if he's actually gay and closeted it could be a distraction enough to get him some good publicity and take attention away from just being a plain ol' gay, which seems to no longer have any special status attached to it."

    Gee, maybe if straight people had just accepted gays from the start as human beings, there would never have been the need for magazine comings out or public fuss, that our spoonfed society then gets fed up of all too quickly.
