Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Blind Item #3

The A/A- list singer is lying to the world again. She is supposed to be clean and sober. I would love to hear her explanation for drinking booze almost every night and doing so in a semi-public place. 


  1. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Demi Lovato?

  2. Sobriety isn't for everyone.

  3. Someone who won't be missed.

  4. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Gotta be Lovato and I agree that sobriety is not for everyone. The "one or the other" as the only choice has been pushed by AA and other rehab professionals for so long that it's getting to the point that it's hurting as more people than it helps. Some people are just gonna drink and use drugs. It's their choice. Lovato has enough money she could do both and fade away like thousands of show business acts before her.

  5. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Vodka are you there? It's me, Demi

  6. Agree Demi...that Mike guy from the Bachelorette is sure trying to milk their relationship, whatever it may be

  7. There's a whole 1.000 page list of those who are "clean and sober" who drink.

  8. Gracie Fields

  9. katie perry...that might explain all her groping.

    1. She's groping fans?

      *Looks up tickets to Katy Perry*

  10. @MissDavie spoken like somebody who knows ZERO about AA or recovery.

  11. From someone that has been thru 12 steps, and in recovery, there is absolutely nothing wrong with what Miss Davie wrote. Do 12 step programs contend that abstinence is the only way forward...yes they do. is sobriety "not for everyone" in that many, if not most can't maintain without relapse and/or succumbing fully to the addiction...again, yes. lastly, just bc the addict is in the grip of the addiction, it still doesn't mean that it isn't a choice. I never bought into that crap. yes, they deserve our compassion for not being able to break free, but to drink or drug or gamble is still a choice.

  12. Can we please not make this blind about the pseudoscience AA cult designed by two sleazy drunks? If it works for you great, for the 95% of the population it doesn't work for, there are other options.

    Demi, learn to become a functional alcoholic/addict, you can literally afford to pay people to help you. Overdosing or cancelling tour dates is not functional.

    Then again didn't she buy a f*cking rehab? She's actually pretty representative of the average rehab success/sobriety rate.

  13. Demi Lo was in the audience at DWTS last night hanging with the Bachelor franchise folks looking perfectly fine.

  14. What's wrong with a glass of wine every night? :)

  15. Lol AA is a weird cult. You don't need 12 steps to just put down the glass. Sobriety not for everyone, yeah, well if you're an addict you can't just stop at one, that's the thing. It's either all in or all out. So sobriety is for people who want to live. In that sense no it's not for everyone

  16. I can stop after 4.

  17. @Krissie another person who knows ZERO about addiction or recovery. FOH.
