Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Blind Item #3

This permanent A list musician from a permanent A list band that is still playing after about 50 years, still takes every opportunity to cheat on his actress/reality star wife.


  1. You'd think Stones and Jagger but if they're not A++ then I'm Tupac.

  2. Agree, Gene Simmons...doesn't the "bc I can get away with it" attitude ever get old?

  3. Well, not Ozzy and Sharon. Black Sabbath is done and Sharon is no longer on the X Factor.

  4. It isnt cheating if the wife is cool with it.

  5. Count-- I could be wrong, but Ive always gotten the vibe she isnt "cool" with it, but just has resigned herself to not making it a dealbreaker.

  6. If this is Gene Simmons then it is a kindness blind for his wife. He is so unappealing

  7. Sounds like she's cool with it.

  8. Ozzie is the cheater

  9. Ozzy is still a musician, but Black Sabbath doesn't work. Also, Ozzy has had a lot of health and injury issues. And, I think he might have learned his lesson on the affair that went public a few years ago, I believe he and Sharon have renewed their vows since.

  10. Another open marriage, besides she probably only married him for his tongue ;)

  11. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Probably Gene Simmons and Shannon Tweed. I have a feeling Shannon is okay with it. She knew that was the deal when she got into it.

  12. Gene Simmons...Mmmmm! Yummy grey, bushy, sweaty chest hair on sagging flesh...nail me with your ancient peen!

  13. It's kind of part of the gig when you marry a rock star. I'm sure there are other compensations. And if she gets fed up with it, then just leave.

  14. @Vita: Shannon Tweed Simmons really is okay with it. In her younger days, she used to do threesomes with Hugh Hefner. At this point in her life, she's happy spending his money and hangin with her sister.
    I was reading some shit online, @alternative nation (like Teen Beat/JustJared for brain-dead metalheads), and the writer wrote that Gene Simmons is a great-looking guy. Not even on any planet.
    Seriously. Best Buchanan is as brain-dead as his "readers."

    1. She will be more than used to blue pill popping, wheezing old wrinkly farts thumbing it into her then.

  15. I think Neal Schon and Michaele Salahi fit the "reality star wife" part of the clue better.

  16. NVM, Journey haven't been active for 50 years.

  17. Gene alright, BUT remember, they have an open relationship and always have. She can do it too if she desires to.

  18. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Shannon Tweed is not okay with Gene's cheating. She made him burn his spank bank albums (photos female fans sent to him) that were in long term storage. He wasn't even looking at them they were just stored away. Jealous lady but ewww Gene Simmons. She's earned her divorce settlement and alimony.

  19. Shannon sucks. She talked for YEARS about how she'd castrate the guy if he ever cheated...and then when it all came out she just married him instead.

  20. Soo, uhh, how about that Monster Icon reveal?

  21. Kiss permanent A list? heh-heh. Let's lower that to B+.

  22. Gene ... he was wayyy too sweet with female argentinian fans in the meet and greet last time he was in here and she left the place FURIOUS ..

    She didnt even bother in looking into the other side, maybe cause cameras wererolling and it was too notorious

  23. Cue my PTSD from watching that sex video that made the rounds - he in socks, young hooker in crocs.
