Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Blind Item #4

The producers of this foreign reality show which is a spinoff of one here are learning what I warned them about when they hired the alliterate former actress turned escort. Don't do it. They should have put something about drug testing in her contract. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Lindsey Lohan and The Masked Artsist

  2. Damn LiLo you so sloppy.

  3. Lindsay Lohan...what's she been up to? Is it trying to get her to the stage on time, wild demands, or crazy comments and guesses? All of the above?

    Dear Aussie Cdaners...if any of the messy behavior makes it on air, please let us know! Even better, post clips or links, if possible!😁

    Based on the costumes on the American version, I'm amused by the potential of an altered brain trying to process the whole spectacle. Fascinated, emotional overpraise? Insistent knowledge of voices and ability to sense identities through the costumes? I need updates on this!

  4. You ever get the feeling she gets coke blown up her a$$? I mean her face should have collapsed with all the coke she's supposed to have snorted.

  5. Yes but if she is getting coke blown up her a$$ wouldn't that inflate her collapsed face up to normal again?

  6. Leave LiLo alone!! Girl has to work. She has that trick trash mom that she has to support, you know.

  7. Vita I didn't have any idea that Lindsay Lohan was in Australia, as I rarely watch Channel 10. Prior to being bought by CBS (in my estimation) it was a channel that attracted left leaning, half-woke teenagers with double digit IQs and I am none of those things.
    For what it is worth, I did a quick search and some celebs have mentioned that the actress does abruptly disappear from the set at inopportune moments, for varying periods of time, which disrupts filming and irritates the other panel members.

  8. Lindsay Lohan/ The Masked Singer Australia

  9. Stevie Wonder saw this coming, Enty.

  10. the US version is a Spinoff of the original South Korean Show.

  11. When you hire a Lohan, expect a potential lawsuit, diva antics & absolutely zero chance of her showing up sober, if at all. She should stick to servicing old men on yachts. No sympathy for the idiots who decided to stunt cast her.

  12. Thought this was the reality show of the Royals and the actress/escort Markle.

  13. Aussie reporting for duty!!

    I knew this was going to happen..

    How she got in the country is beyond me, we are really strict rules for visas and she shouldn't have been let in at all.

  14. Thanks, Goodau and Ozmanda!💜🐨

  15. It's all been filmed already though so who cares.
