Sunday, October 20, 2019

Blind Item #4

The feds have opened an investigation into this reality star with a massive family. They are looking into tax evasion and money laundering. Oh, and get this one. Human trafficking.


  1. IF ONLY this were Pimp Mama Kris!!!

    But I know it isn't. :(

  2. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Some stupid Duggar

    JIM bob of whatever

  3. If it can't be the K's (yet) then the Duggars are a satisfying alternative.

  4. Replies
    1. yes Mr Brown and his 4 silly wives. wonder who he has his eye on since #1 has bailed?

  5. If it's the Duggars I'd do a happy dance. They live all over the area I do, and for many reasons they creep me out and piss me off.

  6. Would love this to be the Duggar’s, you’d think the sexual assaults by Josh would bring them down, but hopefully this will.

  7. Likely somebody Mormon, they were importing pregnant women from the Marshall Islands and selling the babies. Maricopa County Assessor who is Mormon and buddies with Jeff Flake arrested and charged. Even had the state pay for the births.

  8. Sounds like they are referring to a Duggar or Kody Brown

  9. This is my first time to comment, I think It's Kim Z!! Grooming her daughter for yachting too!

  10. My vote is the Duggers. The one girl married and move to the Texas border... the one that is the "rebel". She married a preacher but... trafficking all those illegals coming across the border. They are out in California now. The dad always came across as creepy to me.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Discovery Networks give reality shows to these religious freak families and then are surprised when all sorts of DANK DARK SHIT starts to surface.

  13. Pretty pitiful to wish this on a family because most seem to have children.

    I have no dog in this fight because I am not familiar with reality shows other than, from what I've read, they seem populated with people who have messy lives.

    Whoever it is, I hope the Feds find enough to bring him/her. them to justice.

  14. Give me a freaking break! All of you idiots pick on the Duggers because they are Christians? They dont do baby killing abortions? They are human and have made mistakes for sure but this! I have known Jim Bob for 48 years, he really is a good person!!! You people need to get a grip!

    1. The triple exclamation mark has convinced me.

    2. Religion has zero to do with it. Victim blaming, covering for a sexual predator, and sheer hypocrisy is the problem

  15. I couldn't careless if they are christian, stop using that as a victim excuse. they covered up for their precious pedo son, among numerous other things, including their jerk-off son-in-law's activities.

  16. Tax evasion and money laundering sounds like the Kardashians, and trafficking wouldn't surprise me a bit. PMK basically groomed and trafficked her daughters.

  17. It's the Chrisleys. All over the news, daughter claims dad keeping her in line by threatening to release a sex tape he has of her.

    1. Parenting using blackmail?
      I'll pass thanks.

  18. Nope to the Duggars and the Bates. I like the Brown guess...they are FLDS which ties neatly into previous blinds about the Church and Cult and their human trafficking ventures.

  19. tookiesmum (what a stupid name)- stop it with the Mormon weirdness, asshole. You must be a Scientologist since they are always the ones accusing Mormons, Catholics, etc to deflect, deflect, deflect. We're onto you.

  20. tookiesmum (what a stupid name): Stop it with the Mormon weirdness, asshole. You must be a Scientologist since they are always the ones accusing Mormons, Catholics, etc to deflect, deflect, deflect.

  21. The Chrisleys were charged with tax evasion and fraud
